SQL Server Information
Windows Sync Manager shows error message "Microsoft SQL Server could not save the security changes" when specifying user/password for publisher/distributor
Symptoms In pull subscriptions, when you use Windows Synchronization Manager to synchronize, it will...
Date: 01/26/2010
Error: 17207, Severity: 16, State: 1. STREAMFCB::Startup: Operating system error 0xc01c0012(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 317) occurred while creating or opening file '(file path)'.
Symptoms A SQL Server 2008 database having filestream enabled is in either recovery or being...
Date: 01/26/2010
Replication agents may fail with error "Server '(servername)' is not registered at server '(servername)'."
Symptoms One or more replication agents are failing with below error in verbose log <verbose...
Date: 01/26/2010
SQL Server 2000 or SP4 installation or bringing SQL resource online after install/ upgrade fails with "The specified service does not exist as an installed service"
After installing SQL Server on a cluster or upgrading it to Sevice Pack 4, if you reboot the nodes...
Date: 02/24/2009
The SQL Server FullTextSearch (MSSQLSERVER) service depends the following service: NTLMSSP. This service might not be installed.
SQL Server 2005 FullText Search on Windows 2008 [Longhorn] Cluster fails to come online. Below is...
Date: 02/24/2009
There are scenarios where you may want to find out which user deleted the data or created a table...
Date: 02/24/2009
There are times when we see that while installing Service Pack 4 for SQL Server 2000 on standalone...
Date: 02/24/2009
Below query will help in seeing the command along with command_id. This is helpful in cases where...
Date: 06/11/2008
Most of the times you would run into scenario where you have a firewall between publisher/...
Date: 06/11/2008
A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized filtering.
When adding data partitions in merge publication sometimes below error is encountered Cannot add a...
Date: 04/15/2008
Hypothetical Indexes are created by Index tuning wizard when it checks queries & tables for...
Date: 04/15/2008
Passing a GUID value from command line using DTEXEC to a variable to be used as a parameter in OLEDB Source Query in SSIS Package fails with "Invalid character value for cast specification"
I found a case where customer was using a OLE DB Source & had specified a Parameterized SQL...
Date: 02/20/2008
When login attempts with a bad password for a SQL Login are done through a .Net Application which is...
Date: 02/06/2008