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To all CRM fans..Register for Teched 2006 today!

We have finalized the CRM sessions for this year Teched (almost) and I must say, there will be a bunch of very interesting sessions and events for CRM partners and customers, particularly for CRM developers. If you are working on a CRM add-on or vertical solution or you are thinking about adopting CRM for your organization, you don’t want to miss this year’s Teched!

Here are some ideas of what we are planning to do(disclaimer: apart from the session, the rest are still in planning):

First about my session, I am planning to do a deep dive into our extensibility model and architecture including web services, callouts (Server Side .NET assemblies), client side programming, form object model, workflow assemblies and more. I will show how to integrate CRM with Office 2007 (Outlook, word, Excel) by building cool Office add-ons using Visual Studio 2005. I also show how to deeply customize CRM platform by creating and adding your own managed code plug-ins (a.k.a. callout) on the CRM server and how to work with web services from CRM forms using Jscript (maybe Atlas!).

After the session, we will gather for a technical Q&A session, so if you have any issues/suggestions/challenges with your implementation, this is the session to attend. The session will also be a great opportunity to provide feedback for the current product and get it off your chest. We would love to hear your feedback on how we, as a product, can help you to be more productive and build even richer applications on top of our Platform faster and at lower cost.

Secondly, I am planning to drive a Web Service API usability study on the next version of CRM. You will get a chance to take a sneak peek at our thinking around the next version of CRM (beyond V3.0!) and you will never know what we will be usability testing…mmmm….. could it be a cool new programming or integration model?

Only attendees will get the chance to see all these so register today and send me a mail (using the contact section of this blog) and tell me if you are attending……