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Internet Explorer now has a public bug reporting tool

I stumbled across a post on the Internet Explorer team's blog from last Friday that I wanted to post a link to here. According to this post, the Internet Explorer team has created a public bug reporting database that all users can access to report problems and suggest new features for Internet Explorer.

The Developer Division has had a public bug database since the early beta versions of Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0, and I am a big believer of the power of this kind of public bug reporting tool in improving product quality and allowing real-world users to provide specific feedback about the pain points and bugs in our products. As an example, I previously posted a case study regarding a bug in the .NET Framework 2.0 setup that I believe we would not have been able to find and fix without having a public bug database. Because of this, I'm really excited to see another Microsoft product provide a bug database for the public to use to report issues.

Hopefully this momentum will continue and eventually we will have something like this for Media Center!