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I'm back at work and it feels like i never left.....

Hello Hello,

I've been back for just over a week and already it feels as thou I've been back for ever.

Tahiti was AMAZING - complete paradise. Steve and I had two weeks of PURE BLISS - we slept, we read (Mao's Last Dancer - excellent book) we jet skiied around the island of Bora Bora, we went shark feeding (6ft reef sharks), swimming with stingrays and moray eels and we ate the most beautiful French cuisine. 

I still haven’t figured out how to download photos - as soon as i have i'll post some so that you can have a look.

Now that I'm back my colleagues and I will have more time to blog so hopefully we'll start to get lots of questions and feedback from fellow bloggers. 

Late last year I posted a blog "suggestions for posts" as a follow up to this I’ve recently sent the following email to a number of my colleagues across the business;

"In November last year recruitment started blogging - .


Over the next few months we'll be posting information on careers at MS and providing heaps of useful tips and tricks for those looking for careers in general. So far we have had some good response and one of the things we get asked most is - "what is it like to work at Microsoft?"


This is where you can help....


If you could take a few minutes out to answer the questions below I'd love to post your responses to our blog - we've asked a number of people across the business so that our readers get a holistic view of the MS business.


What is your position at Microsoft and what do you do?

How long have you worked for MS?

Have you held any other roles at MS, what were they?

What does a typical day look like for you?

What do you like best about your job and working for Microsoft?

What is the coolest thing about working for Microsoft?"



 The responses have started to come in - stay tuned over the next couple of days. Thanks JJ