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The perfect CV?

I don’t know if there is a perfect CV and each recruiter’s idea of a perfect CV will be slightly different. But I can tell you what I like to see.

A good CV is one that clearly shows me how well you are suited to the role that you’re applying for. It’s important that your CV is easy to follow and that you can show me that you meet the requirements of the role.

Some easy tips to follow

  • Tailor your CV for each role that you apply for
  • Keep it short and to the point
  • Look critically at every item you include. If you can't immediately see why it's there, take it out
  • When your CV is completed check it carefully for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and then check it again. It’s a good idea to get someone else to read over it for you as well

What you should include

  • Name and full contact details including mobile and e-mail address
  • A short career objective or career profile
  • Education and qualifications
  • Relevant work experience
  • Interests, activities and achievements that clearly show skills for the position your applying for

Dont include unless it's been requested

  • Marital Status
  • Age
  • Your photograph
  • Nationality

How to present your CV

  • Type or word processing your CV as black text on a white background
  • Print each page on a separate sheet
  • Keep it plain. Fancy fonts and decorative borders are more of a distraction than a help
  • Make it esy to follow by being consistent with headings and fonts

I hope this helps and I welcome any feedback or questions that you may have. Zoë and Gretchen’s site has heaps of great advice regarding CV’s so make sure you have a look.

We have a couple of CV templates on our careers site that you can have a look at as well.

Thanks JB
