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See why Microsoft Partner Network offers best value for partners!

Today Julie Bennani, General Manager of Microsoft Partner Network, releases the final details of the Microsoft Partner Network during a webcast for partners on

She outlines:
• Our vision
• Opportunities for your business
• How we are here to support partners

In July 2009, we launched the Microsoft Partner Network, signalling our ongoing commitment to delivering the best value for Microsoft partners worldwide. As you know, we built the network based on input from you and our mutual customers. Today 640,000 partners strengthen our business and form one of the most active, diverse networks in the world with infinite opportunities for you to build trusted relationships with our mutual customers.

Our vision for the Microsoft Partner Network is simple—to provide you with:
• Opportunities to strengthen your organizational and people capabilities
• Expertise to help you serve your customers better
• Communities that spark innovation and connection
That’s why we’re evolving to a network designed around relationships, connections, and opportunities. For every $1(USD) of Microsoft revenue, partners generate at least $7(USD) in their communities worldwide. Working together, we can continue to focus on creating innovative solutions that drive profitability and sustain competitive advantage.

Whether you a value-added reseller, systems integrator, independent software vendor, equipment manufacturer, Web platform developer, Web designer or a technology entrepreneur —there’s a home for you in the network, based on what relationship is best for your business. Specifically:
• Join our community!
• Purchase a subscription!
• Earn a competency!
• Differentiate your unique expertise by attaining an advanced competency!

Regardless of how you choose to engage, the network gives you access to a range of benefits to support your goals at every phase of your business cycle. We are here to help you plan your business, train your team, market & sell to prospective customers and support & retain existing customers. We are betting on our channel. Microsoft invests over $US 4 billion per year— more than any other technology company - in partner opportunities, benefits and resources. And as you increase your investment in your relationship with Microsoft, we will recognize your commitment with differentiated benefits to meet their business needs.

Depending on how you choose to engage through the network, you will need to fulfill requirements to meet customer needs and formulate the relationship with Microsoft. Take this opportunity to select the specific webcast you want to learn more about the value, benefits and requirements associated with:
• Joining our community!
• Purchasing a subscription!
• Earning a competency; or
• Differentiating your unique expertise by attaining an advanced competency!
Each webcast will provide you with the latest information needed to build a plan around how you want to engage in the Microsoft Partner Network.

In Summary...
When you join the Microsoft Partner Network, you become part of the industry’s largest, most active and diverse partner community – offering infinite opportunities for you to work together with other partners and Microsoft to grow your business, get a competitive edge, and drive innovation for your customers.


Sarah Arnold