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CombineXPOs - new version - official beta has started

Those who have worked to establish an automated build for a larger AX app have likely used or experimented with CombineXPOs.exe - a nifty tool for stitching a number of XPO files into one single, optimized XPO. Recognizing the importance and value of this tool, we're been working on making a new version of it available to you all.

Amongst the most significant improvements are:

  1. Performance - leveraging the x64 architecture and multi-threading, we get 40-50% improvements in execution time.
  2. Better optimization of the sequencing for EDTs, Queries and Views, making the import faster.

We'll be writing more about using CombineXPOs later, but for now you can get the beta version of the "Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 Combine XPO Tool" here: