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IoT Development in Azure

Welcome to our latest blog for Azure Developers, new and old.

I'm honoured to be asked to help start his blog, and to wax lyrical about some of my favourite time and money saving technologies!

If you develop your solutions using Azure, we hope to keep you in the loop with anything you can't afford to miss, but are too busy being awesome!


As you will guess from my username, I have been XAML's biggest fan, from conception. When Microsoft made Silverlight, they walked out the office and threw away the key, because it was so flexible there was nothing left to do. That's my version of events, anyway :)

These days I am spread between UI, server, data & cloud, as I obsess over building automation and control. It is full circle for me, as it was over 30 years ago that I blew up my ZX Spectrum, trying to wire our 12v front door bell to its RS232 serial port :/  I learned some valuable lessons from that!

When I want to spin up something quickly these days, I wouldn't waste time and money on hardware, or risk a valuable gaming machine like my Specky! I just log into Azure and create a Web App, or just create and publish directly from Visual Studio. All the pain taken out. Maintained, protected, eco-friendly, pay as I use, monitored, and just always there! In fact it's Microsoft's SLAs that make Azure most attractive to me. I can assure my clients the maximum stability and recovery. Always the undeniable deal clincher.

If I need an IoT solution, Microsoft provide Event Hub, IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, Power Bi, and so much more around automation and monitoring. In fact they have even gone the extra mile for developers; IoT Suite is a deployment tool that takes all the pain out of setting up these tools - the raw fabric of your IoT solution.

Within a few clicks (and a cuppa while everything gets created for you) you have all the components you need for collecting, storing and monitoring your device data. IoT Suite even demonstrates mechanisms like Rules and Alerts.

Once you have spun up a solution with IoT Suite, you can then pull it apart and change anything you like - depending on your actual scenario and requirements. If this interests you, you may find these "IoT Suite'ners" useful in navigating the configuration:


For developers, a great final treat (and time saver) is that when you're finished playing with your IoT Suite demo/prototype, you can delete everything that was created by simply Deleting the Solution that IoT Suite created, which deletes everything in the solution's Resource Group and the AAD instance created for it!

Neat and Tidy! Tidy and Neat!


Thank you for reading this and please do pop in when you can.


If you have a voice and want to help us helping you, then please comment below as often as you can. So we can learn who the current community leaders are, what you use, and need from us.


Best regards,
Peter Laker (XAML guy/Pedro)