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Lang.NET Symposium 2006 [Thottam Sriram]

Last week was the Lang.NET Symposium 2006 here in Redmond.  I still remember us planning for this event a few months back. It started off as a small group of people wanting to reinvent the then compiler labs into something bigger. The goal was to get all the right people in a room and have great speakers talk.

From where we started, I feel good about the conference overall. The symposium had a great mix of people from the industry and academia. We were lucky to get world class speakers present their work in this symposium.

The audiences for this event were also the right set. More than 90% of the room raised their hands for questions like: “Who has implemented a language?” - "Who has worked in C?” and “Who has used VB?"

The world’s best in the languages spaces were here in Redmond. To name a few we had Miguel de Icaza, Prof. John Gough, Prof. William Cook, Gilad Bracha, Prof. Shriram Krishnamurthi, Cory Ondrejka, Anders Hejlsberg, Don Syme, Gary Flake, Jim Hugunin, Jim Purbrick, etc., presenting at the symposium.

The event had good publicity.  There was a dedicated attendee, Darryl K Taft from eWeek, sitting through the symposium producing two articles. Even Mary Jo Foley stopped by on Tuesday and spent half a day at the conference. Here are some links to the articles in eWeek that were related to this symposium.

After the conference was over, people who presented and attended the conference blogged vividly about the conference. To name a few:

The proceedings from the conference were recorded and will be available soon. Michael Lehman will have the recordings posted and the attendees notified about it.

I want to thank Erik Meijer and Michael Lehman for all their help and support in making this happen. Without their help this would not have been possible. I also want to thank my manager Alessandro Catorcini for his support through the numerous hurdles while we were organizing for this symposium.

For a full summary of the symposium head over to my blog.


  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006

    Will be these recordings from conference available freely to anyone, or just to conference attendees?

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2006
    The recordings will be available to everyone. We are currently working on getting them posted and will post it at