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Self-Service Dynamics CRM solutions fly on Windows Azure

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been working with Shan McArthur from ADXSTUDIO to develop a demo that would illustrate how self-service web sites can connect directly to Dynamics CRM over the web to provide solutions that are both proactive and effective.  The information gathered or transactions entered in the self-service applications are immediately available in the Dynamics CRM system; the obvious place to track actions and outcomes.  The solution that we put together (OK so Shan and his team did most of the heavy lifting here :)) turned out fantastic. 

Kirill Tatatinov kindly asked me to showcase the solution back in November.  I showed it off during his keynote session at Convergence EMEA in Copenhagen.  The solution can be deployed on-premises, hosted by a partner or, as in our case, hosted by Microsoft (i.e. Windows Azure).  Naturally, Dynamics CRM can also be hosted in any of those modes as well.  In North America you might use CRM Online.  In Copenhagen we opted to use the great service of AlfaPeople.  They provided us a rock solid Dynamics CRM hosted platform

Get Microsoft Silverlight

The solution really shows off the power that ISVs get when using Dynamics CRM as a line-of-business application platform.  Not only do you get the platform that’ll get your app to market faster, you get to use the same skills to enhance that application and differentiate from competitors.  That could mean building compelling user experiences with Silverlight or it could mean hosting on the Azure Services Platform.  In this case, ADXSTUDIO is taking full advantage of the platform.  Hosting the app in Windows Azure.  Storing the content in SQL Data Services.  Using Live ID for authentication.  Performance, scalability, security and privacy with no capital expenditures.  Scale up or down when you need to.  Nice!


Update:  Looks like the transcript for the entire keynote was posted here.

Update #2: Moving this video to Channel 9 as the Silverlight Streaming Service has been decommissioned.


Technorati Tags: Dynamics CRM,Windows Azure,Silverlight,SQL Data Services,Windows Live ID,cloud computing,self-service,ADXSTUDIO,AlfaPeople,Microsoft Convergence,Kirill Tatarinov


  • Anonymous
    January 07, 2009
    Dynamics CRM will only really take off when a free version will be released (a la Sharepoint Services WSS 3.0)

  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    I’m sure many of you will remember the “conference” demo that we showed in the Business Action Virtual

  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    I’m sure many of you will remember the “conference” demo that we showed in the Business Action Virtual