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twit-bird The team organizing convergence have set up a Twitter feed.  If you want to follow along you’ll find them at MBSConvergence.  If you plan to attend and want to tweet while you’re there, the hashtag will be #MBSEVENTS.

blu_badge_bigger While I’m on the topic, I’d like to pass along a couple of Twitter desktop apps that I’ve found pretty cool.  I’m currently bouncing between Witty and Blu.  Witty seems to have much more features but is not that great to look at.  Blu, on the other hand, is unbelievably cool looking.  If there is one great example of how design can transform an experience, Blu is it.  The one big thing I miss with Blu is the ability to resize the main window.  I find it to be just a little too small. 

BTW, If you’d like to follow me on Twitter my tag is benriga.


Technorati Tags: Microsoft Convergence,Twitter,Witty,Blu
