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Collaborating Outside the Firewall (Tech Ed Side Meeting)

I'm now envisioning my next project for the Solution Accelerators for Security and Compliance team.  As a bit of background, my team provides prescriptive, tested guidance to help customers solve tricky security problems quickly.  My new project is going to focus on collaborating securely outside the firewall.  While this topic could be pretty broad, I'm thinking that Sharepoint will be involved, but that's not cast in concrete.

Anyway, that's where you come in: I am hosting a side meeting at Tech Ed next Wednesday to discuss this topic.  If you are going to be there and would like to provide input on what problems you are facing related to secure collaboration, I'd love to invite you to meeting.  Attending will give you an opportunity to have your specific requirements heard right from the beginning, and will allow you to help shape the solution accelerator that we deliver.  Oh, and we will be providing munchies and maybe a bit of schwag as a thank you!

If you are interested, please use the email link above to get in touch with me: I will let you know the particulars.  For those of you not going to Tech Ed, get in touch too.  While I can't guarantee munchies, I would love to be able to bounce ideas off as many customers as possible!