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Where did the Reporting Services 2008 Add-in for SharePoint go?


  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2008
    Hi Russell,I have a report with 5 parameters: one multivalue parameter and the rest are free text fields.Reporting Services has been configured in SharePoint Integrated mode.I use SSRS Report Viewer (built-in in MOSS 2007 if use SharePoint Integrated mode) and connect to Choice filter and text filter webparts to allow user to enter parameters.The report is generated if I enter all parameters.My questions:If I only want to enter 3 out of 5 parameters, how can I do that?To view the report, I must tab out from the last filter web part, otherwise the report won't get generated. Is there a way to generate/view the report manually like clicking a button? I know my question is in between SSRS and MOSS. I hope you could give me some suggestions.If NOT, please just ignore my question.Thanks and Regards,Uzzie

  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2009
    Hello Russell!This comment is not related to the topic.I just ask you here to look into've added question there about local preview for report builder 2.0.I crosspost it here because not sure you are notified about comments and I hope latest post is best place you may see my question.Thanks, Alex

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2012
    The comment has been removed