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How Pixsi Reimagines and Transforms the Shopping Experience

Founder and CEO Scott Andrews ( conceived the ideas behind Pixsi ( a few years ago and, together with his team and assistance from the Youngstown Business Incubator in Youngstown, Ohio, built the company that enables this sea-change for the masses. Pixsi ushers in a fundamental change in how people shop and how brands and retailers interact with them.

The debut Pixsi web app (, in beta since July 4th, provides a shopper media experience and a way to plan purchases while getting a head start on shopping trips.

Here are three things Pixsi is doing to transform the shopping experience,

  1. Pixsi helps consumers make simpler and easier buying decisions. 

There are no advertisements on the debut Pixsi web app and no tracking of user digital and physical interactions.  Pixsi simplifies buying decisions by pulling together planning, shopping and sharing into a unified ecosystem.

2. Pixsi puts the consumer at the center of the marketing model, not the brand, retailer or advertiser. 

“Start with your customers, observe and listen to them and ask “Why is that?”  The shopper experience is fragmented, siloed and time consuming.  Most consumers shop in multiple channels, ignore both online and offline ads, and do not want their online behavior
tracked.  That is, they believe there is or should be no difference between what they experience online and what they experience in a physical store.  It should be all the same to them, said Mr. Andrews, who joined us for this interview between meetings with early clients and completion of the alpha testing of their newly released beta app.

3. Integrating shared values

  1. Consumers search, shop and share their shopping experience everywhere they are.  These main components of modern shopping (search, shop and share) are the silos that frustrate the consumer.  Why? Because they were never made to work together in the first place. 

“Marketers are frustrated as well.  They are mired in the status quo while chasing the ‘ghost of marketing’s past”.  They need answers, not Big Data. Marketers need to embrace the content and utilities that enable pull marketing and the sharing of shared values, said Mr. Andrews.  “The future of marketing is relevant social marketing content that conveys shared values and mobility”.

How to use Pixsi

To get started, install their bookmarklet-button on your modern web browser’s bookmarks bar. 

Next, go shopping! For more information, see

About the author:

This post is authored by Sonal Mane from an excerpt of a discussion with Scott Andrews, CEO of Pixsi.

Sonal Mane is a Startup Technologist based in Chicago, IL. She writes at Windows of Words and you can connect with her on Twitter.
