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漫談 Azure Block-Chain-As-A-Service 下集 - 微軟Block Chain服務

Azure Block-Chain-As-A-Service 下集 - 微軟Block Chain服務
Authored by Michael Yen-Chi Ho Current AEM @Microsoft

上集的內容裡面,提到關於BlockChain(區塊鍊),Bitcoin(比特幣)的發展與概觀,以及大致上運作的邏輯,而下集我們要介紹的內容就是如何開始運用Microsoft Azure開始進行自己的Block-Chain實驗,以及開始創造以Block-Chain技術核心為主的各項應用

Azure Block-Chain-As-A-Service (Azure Block Chain 服務)來自2015年,11/9號的最新消息中,微軟資訊策略長Marley Gray提出的Ethereum on Azure as a Service的消息,隨後在11/25日在DevCon中展示了如何快速的在Azure中建立Ethereum BlockApps - (私有鍊Ethereum的Blockchain Azure環境),以及在Ubuntu環境之下建立Azure Ethereum環境,讓想要使用BlockChain技術的開發者可以快速的運用微軟龐大的資料中心做運算與開發。

11/25 DevCon的Azure Block-Chain-As-A-Service 介紹影片


此外,因為微軟過去是軟體公司起家,走到雲端平台服務上的最大好處在能夠融合過去的所長,創造各式各樣的PaaS服務,BlockChain能夠結合微軟既有的各種服務,如Active Directory(身分識別管理)、Key Vault(金鑰管理)、Machine Learning(機器學習服務)、Event Hubs(事件中樞)等服務,讓開發者可以活用BlockChain服務,並且串連其他各項服務,組成自己的新服務。
透過Block Chain,可以創造各種應用,如智慧合約(合約可以根據所有POOL裡面的變化量而改變)、IoT控管(所有Sensor可以有效管理收、送的各項訊息,並且即時上雲),而因為Azure上面豐富的安全性與隱私保護,新創公司也能輕鬆建立自己的BlockChain服務。

接著各種Payment Service像**BitPay、Manifold Technology、LibraTax、Emercoin
到2016年1/28最近一次更新,***Multi Chain & Netki這兩個專門設計快速佈署的BlockChain As a Service都上線到Azure上面供大家開始開發與運作,Azure立誓要成為最方便的BlockChain開發、測試、營運平台。

加上Azure對Open Source的豐富支援,以及本身開源的Azure(Azure Github),使這個平台有最豐富的資源可以發展各項創新的業務!

Open Source on Azure影片

接下來BizSpark快報也會刊載目前BizSpark的會員中,幾間專門針對Block Chain on Azure的新創公司,針對這個發展的後續報導!

Ethereum BlockChain as a Service
Azure Block Chain as a Service Update 1
Azure Block Chain as a Service Update 2
Azure Block Chain as a Service Update 3
Azure Block Chain as a Service Update 4
Azure Open Source
Microsoft Azure官方Github

Blockchain programming in C#
Blockchain programming in C# Booklet

• ConsenSys: Ethereum in all flavors
• Ethereum C++
• Eris Industries: A leading platform for industrial applications of smart contract technology. Eris:db blockchains are permissionable, logic optimized blockchains which run EVM compatible blockchains within a permissioned blockchain network. The following templates are in the pipeline:
• Single validator eris:db blockchain client for rapid prototyping
• Seven validator eris:db blockchain network for stable demonstration chains spread across user selected Azure data centers
• Azure clients will be able to upload the details of their permissioning requirements for the blockchain network in question as part of the instantiation process
• CoinPrism: OpenChain is an open source distributed ledger technology. It is suited for organizations wishing to issue and manage digital assets in a robust, secure and scalable way. The following is in the pipeline:
• Single-node OpenChain test and development environment
• In Q1 2016: Production use harnessing Azure's infrastructure to achieve high availability making it possible to scale up as needed to achieve thousands of transactions per second. Also, a template that will deploy an OpenChain instance will be configured as a pegged sidechain.
• Factom: Simplify records management, record business processes, and address security and compliance issues. The following are in the pipeline:
• Deploy a factomd service exposing the Factom APIs - Q1 2016
• Bitcoin data service of prices from different exchanges recorded on Factom's Blockchain - Q1 2016


• BitPay: The world's leader in Bitcoin payments, providing Bitcoin payment processing and local currency payouts to over 65,000 businesses worldwide.
• Manifold Technology: Manifold’s Rewards application is built on the patent-pending Manifold Liquidity Platform (MLP).  MLP is a powerful, private Blockchain, capable of unprecedented transaction speed and throughput.
• LibraTax: LibraTax is the reporting, accounting, audit, and integration layer for Blockchain technology and digital assets that is built for the future of digitized ownership and trading.
• Emercoin: A leading digital currency and Blockchain platform that focuses on innovative, scalable enterprise services.


• MultiChain: Rapidly design, deploy and operate distributed ledgers. Check out the MultiChain on Ubunto documentation page for more information.
• Netki: Designs enterprise-grade solutions promoting scalability, security and ease of use for Blockchain-based products. The Netki Wallet Name Service is an open standard that makes it easy to send digital currency between users or services, interconnecting the entire ecosystem. WNS is designed to allow service providers to easily register Wallet Names on their client’s behalf, such as “,” or for end users to register their own vanity names such as “” linking them directly to a wallet address. View a template here.
