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The transition to community based development

The times they are a changin'

 When I first started working on code to share with the SQL Community that code shipped in the box with very little community participation.  Over the years my job has changed and so has the processes we use to create open source samples and tools that we share with you.  So much has changed, much of it in the last few months.  We now keep our master sources for all samples on CodePlex itself, rather than publishing the source code to CodePlex.  We now also keep all our bugs on CodePlex as work items.  Instead of scattering forums across many different CodePlex projects, we now have a single samples forum ( where all open source issues related to SQL Server can be and are being discussed.  I'm very excited about these changes because they raise the level of interaction among many diverse community members both within and outside of Microsoft, and in my book that is a very good thing.  This approach also provides much more transparency into what we are doing, and gives community members much more opportunity (if you choose to participate) in what we do together.

Thank you all very much for your help in building a vibrant SQL Server community.
