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MPViewer 1.4

I recently saw an interesting mail thread about how does one figure out which MPs will work for agentless monitoring and which MPs will not. The interesting part is that at the MP level there is no way to declare whether it is designed for agentless monitoring or not. The MP author can decide this for every workflow (rule, monitor, task, diagnostic, recovery, discovery) by setting the Remotable attribute to true. If the attribute is set to false, the agent will not execute the workflow against the agentlessly monitored computer and will also drop an event to the OpsMgr event log. To help clarify this a bit more, I updated the MPViewer utility to include one more column which is called "Remotable". You can use this to determine which workflows are capable of working for agentless monitoring. I also added a command line switch to enable the generation of an HTML report for only the monitors and rules that are configured to generate an alert.

Here is how you can use the new switch:

MPViewer.exe c:\ c:\win2003.html AlertGeneratingWorkflowsOnly

For the next version I am hoping to add knowledge to the HTML report that the utility produces.

As always, feedback is very much appreciated.

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