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Slides from my Houston TechFest keynote

I had a great time today a the Houston TechFest 2007.  My keynote focused on Silverlight, but covered the general .NET developer platform as well..


[pptx and ppt versions]


The talk was very demo focus...  By popular audience vote, I did the first set of Silverlight demos on the mac..  here are a few screenshoots


Live demo



Live demo

I followed those up with some more in FireFox...  These showed high resolution video (HD) running seamlessly in browser.. Double click on the video and it smoothly goes full screen.  The other demo showed 12 videos playing at the same time.. this showed the robustness of the video in Silverlight.. Double clicking on the video expands and rotates the video while it continues to play..

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Then I talked about Rich Internet Applications and showed off a Silverlight Airlines demo written in Silverlight+C# on the client and ASP.NET on the server.  The demo shows off how easy it is to build rich interactive control sets (like a map, calendar, route visualizer).  The code window shows C# code that runs in Silverlight on the client... it should like very familiar to any C# developer..

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Run live

Finally, I showed a chess game on the mac.  The .NET code runs in Silverlight, the JavaScript code runs in the browser's JavaScript implementation.  As you see, the .NET implementation can search way more nodes than the JavaScript version... as such .NET tends to win a lot ;-) 


Run live

If you were there, I'd love to hear your feedback...  If you were not, I hear they video'ed it... I will post a link when they post it.