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More Powershell (MONAD) Stuff

So today I have been actively learning a little bit more about Powershell and generally playing with some of the features which are not that readily obvious. I was chatting with a colleague yesterday, Paul Flaherty, and we have both been overwhelmed with the power that "Monad" will give to the Exchange Administrator.

My previous post was pretty basic and today I learnt something pretty cool. Accessing the registry through Monad.

Through MSH you can type: IPCONFIG which will tell you about your IP settings, you can run NOTEPAD which will open a Notepad, navigate up and directories using regular DOS commands. TAB Auto-Complete also works.

Here's how, and there are a couple of ways of doing so.

  1. Open MSH
  2. Type: cd hklm:
  3. This will change the MSH context to [MSH] HKLM:\Software you can DIR and CD\

The other way is:

  1. Open MSH
  2. Type: CD Registry::
  3. This will change the MSH context to [MSH] Microsoft.Msh.Core\Registry::>
  4. Type CD HKLM
  5. Type CD Software
  6. Try it and you'll get the idea..!

To return back to the regular [MSH] context type cd c:

Other top tips:

  • Get-Service lists all the services running on the box
  • Get-Process lists all the process running on the box

Have a good Bank Holiday..!
