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obfuscated C code, for fun and profit (ok, just for fun)

If you’ve ever coded in C, you owe it to yourself to check out the (fully functional) programs at this link:

Here is one of the programs presented:

        double time, me= !0XFACE,
        not; int rested,   get, out;
        main(ly, die) char ly, **die ;{
            signed char lotte,
dear; (char)lotte--;
        for(get= !me;; not){
        1 -  out & out ;lie;{
        char lotte, my= dear,
        **let= !!me *!not+ ++die;
"The gloves are OFF this time, I detest you, snot\n\0sed GEEK!");
        do {not= *lie++ & 0xF00L* !me;
        #define love (char*)lie -
        love 1 *!(not= atoi(let
        [get -me?
(char)lotte: my- *love -
        'I'  -  *love -  'U' -
        'I'  -  (long)  - 4 - 'U' ])- !!
        (time  =out=  'a'));} while( my - dear
        && 'I'-1l  -get-  'a'); break;}}
(char)*lie++, (char)*lie++; hell:0, (char)*lie;
        get *out* (short)ly   -0-'R'-  get- 'a'^rested;
        do {auto*eroticism,
        that; puts(*( out
            - 'c'
-('P'-'S') +die+ -2 ));}while(!"you're at it");
for (*((char*)&lotte)^=
        (char)lotte; (love ly) [(char)++lotte+
        !!0xBABE];){ if ('I' -lie[ 2 +(char)lotte]){ 'I'-1l ***die; }
        else{ if ('I' * get *out* ('I'-1l **die[ 2 ])) *((char*)&lotte) -=
        '4' - ('I'-1l); not; for(get=!
get; !out; (char)*lie  &  0xD0- !not) return!!
        do{ not* putchar(lie [out
        *!not* !!me +(char)lotte]);
        not; for(;!'a';);}while(
            love (char*)lie);{
register this; switch( (char)lie
        [(char)lotte] -1 *!out) {
        char*les, get= 0xFF, my; case' ':
        *((char*)&lotte) += 15; !not +(char)*lie*'s';
        this +1+ not; default: 0xF +(char*)lie;}}}
        get - !out;
        if (not--)
        goto hell;
            exit( (char)lotte);}


Copyright (c) 1990, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel.

All Rights Reserved.  Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is

granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety

and remains unaltered.  All other uses must receive prior permission in writing

from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel.


  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2004
    I love the Obfuscated C contest.