Create multiple threads from within your application
When I posted this Sample program to create multiple threads, I knew the inevitable follow-up question was “can I run my VFP code in separate threads?”. Sure enough, several people asked, citing various valid usage scenarios.
Below is a class that you can use to run your VFP code in multiple separate threads. It can create as many threads as you like, each of which is running VFP code. Because it is a multithreaded sample, it requires the multithreaded runtime, which is just a few megabytes.
The sample code uses the class by creating a routine called MyThreadFunc, which is a CPU intensive task that sums the integers from 1 to some large fixed number and then inserts the result into a table. This task is repeated a few times. The time is measured to call MyThreadFunc from N+1 different threads (including the main thread). That time is compared with calling the same code the same number of times, but only from the main thread.
On my dual processor machine (with hyperthreading on), with 10 threads, the performance was almost double the performance of a single thread, as expected. On my single processor laptop, the performance is roughly the same, with the single threaded slightly faster than the multithreaded, due to thread overhead.
If I change the task to be less CPU intensive and more shared resource intensive by making it update a single shared table multiple times, the performance gain decreases, due to contention for a single shared resource as expected.
The code requires that you have a multithreaded COM DLL built from this code: Blogs get 300 hits per hour: Visual FoxPro can count. The Ic1 interface and the MyDoCmd method are defined in that DLL.
This code really maxes out your CPU when running with many threads. In fact, while I had task man open, I saw the CPU usage at very low numbers for an instant when I expected it to be very high because Taskman didn’t get enough CPU to update its display!
Observe from the results table that various threads complete at various times, interweaving their results, meaning that in the middle of computation, the threads are swapped out.
What kind of performance numbers do you see?
Here’s how ThreeadClass works: it allocates memory for various items, such as GUIDs, strings, and the generated code. It generates machine code into a string, and calls CreateThread, pointing to that string as the Thread procedure to execute. The threads are stored in an array. CoCreateInstance is called to create an instance of the VFP COM object. That object’s MyDoCmd method is called via early binding through it’s vTable.
The vTable of the Ic1 interface (which inherits from IDispatch, which inherits from IUnknown) is expected to be mapped out like this:
0 QueryInterface IUnknown
1 AddRef IUnknown
2 Release IUnknown
3 GetTypeInfoCount IDispatch
4 GetTypeInfo IDispatch
5 GetIDsOfNames IDispatch
6 Invoke IDispatch
7 MyDoCmd Ic1
8 MyEval Ic1
For more on vTable layout see my Paper on Visual Foxpro and Advanced COM
MyDoCmd is entry #7. 7 * 4 bytes per pointer = 28, which is 1c in hex.
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x1c) && call [eax+1ch] && call indirect the function at 1ch in the vTable
Likewise, the Release is entry #2, so the offset is 8.
The preamble does a PUSH EBP, MOV EBP, ESP to set up a stack frame. At the end, there is a MOV ESP, EBP, POP EBP and RET 4 to release the frame. The stack frame means local variables can be accessed via a negative offset from EBP and any parameters with a positive offset. The RET 4 pops off the single 4 byte argument (bstrArg) that was passed in and returns, terminating the thread.
If your t1.dll is in a COM + application (as mine is on some machines), then you will need to specify your particular Guid for Ic1 (found in your t1.vbr file) instead of IDispatch. Then COM will know to marshall the rest of the vTable. In a COM+ application the ProcessIds will be different:
?_vfp.ProcessId, x.MyEval("_vfp.ProcessId")
A COM+ app also might not have rights to write to the disk, and may not shut down the server when you expect: it might keep an instance around for quick activation. It also will probably have a different Current Directory, so may not find MyThreadProc.prg
All threads in the sample run the same code, but you can certainly make them run different code various ways. Also, the threads can be kept alive in a thread pool, perhaps waiting for more tasks to execute.
As an interesting exercise, try making the thread procedure just Sleep 10 seconds
IF .t. OR p2="Thread"
DECLARE integer Sleep IN WIN32API integer
With 10 threads, the 11 calls to ThreadProc (including the one in the main thread), the Sleeps occur in parallel and it finishes in 10 seconds. In a single threaded app, it takes 110 seconds to execute them in series!
The machine code generated is similar to this pseudo C++ code which has no error checking
IDispatch *ptrCOMObj;
VARIANT vtResult;
CoInitialize(0); // initialize COM
ptrComObj->MyDoCmd(bstrCmd("do d:\fox90\test\MyThreadFunc WITH p2"), dwParam as Variant,vtEmpty,vtEmpty,vtEmpty,&vtResult);
VariantClear(vtResult); //unused, but needs to be freed
ptrCOMObj->Release(); // release the COM server
I used a C++ project in Visual Studio with inline ASM code and Show Disassembly to get the machine language bytes. My Intel Programmers Reference manual was also useful. The thread proc isn’t optimized, but it doesn’t have to be. Almost no time is spent there, compared with calling the COM server.
See also: Windows Security and how it affects running generated code
The VFP code (with minimal error checking):
CREATE TABLE ThreadLog (threadid i, timestamp t,misc c(50)) && A table into which each thread will insert results
USE ThreadLog && open shared
TEXT TO cstrVFPCode TEXTMERGE NOSHOW && generate the task to run: MyThreadFunc
PROCEDURE MyThreadFunc(p2) && p2 is the 2nd param to MyDoCmd
TRY && use exception handling
DECLARE integer GetCurrentThreadId in WIN32API
LOCAL i,j,k,nSum
FOR k = 1 TO 3 && calculate result 3 times per thread
FOR i = 1 TO 500000
INSERT INTO <<DBF()>> VALUES (GetCurrentThreadId(), DATETIME(),p2+" Error: "+oex.message)
COMPILE MyThreadFunc.prg
nThreads=10 && WaitForMultipleObjects MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS = 64
cStrIid="{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" && IID_IDispatch
* cStrIid="{3608114E-633A-44FF-8E51-1BBCF7225018}" && IID_Ic1 from your t1.vbr file.
ox.StartThreads(nThreads,"do "+SYS(5)+CURDIR()+"MyThreadFunc WITH p2","Thread: %threadnum",cStrIid)
?TRANSFORM(nThreads)+" threads created. Main thread calculating..."
MyThreadFunc("Main") && main thread will do calculation too, rather than just being idle
?"Main thread done: waiting for other threads"
ox.WaitForThreads("?'main thread waiting'") && wait til threads finish
?"Using "+TRANSFORM(nThreads)+" threads takes "+TRANSFORM(SECONDS()-nStart)+" seconds"
?"Now try single threaded:"
FOR i = 1 TO nThreads+1 && add one for the main thread
?"Single thread takes "+TRANSFORM(SECONDS()-nStart)+" seconds"
LOCATE && Go to the first record
BROWSE LAST NOWAIT && show the results
#define CREATE_SUSPENDED 0x00000004
#define WAIT_TIMEOUT 258
#define VT_BSTR 8
DEFINE CLASS ThreadClass as session
hProcHeap =0
DIMENSION hThreads[1] && Handle to each thread
cThreadHandles="" && Handle to each thread as a string rep of an int array
DECLARE integer LoadLibrary IN WIN32API string
DECLARE integer FreeLibrary IN WIN32API integer
DECLARE integer GetProcAddress IN WIN32API integer hModule, string procname
DECLARE integer CreateThread IN WIN32API integer lpThreadAttributes, ;
integer dwStackSize, integer lpStartAddress, integer lpParameter, integer dwCreationFlags, integer @ lpThreadId
DECLARE integer ResumeThread IN WIN32API integer thrdHandle
DECLARE integer CloseHandle IN WIN32API integer Handle
DECLARE integer GetProcessHeap IN WIN32API
DECLARE integer HeapAlloc IN WIN32API integer hHeap, integer dwFlags, integer dwBytes
DECLARE integer HeapFree IN WIN32API integer hHeap, integer dwFlags, integer lpMem
DECLARE integer WaitForSingleObject IN WIN32API integer hHandle, integer dwMilliseconds
DECLARE integer WaitForMultipleObjects IN WIN32API integer nCount, string pHandles, integer bWaitAll, integer dwMsecs
DECLARE integer CLSIDFromProgID IN ole32 string lpszProgID, string @ strClSID
DECLARE integer CLSIDFromString IN ole32 string lpszProgID, string @ strClSID
DECLARE integer SysAllocString IN oleaut32 string wstr
DECLARE integer SysFreeString IN oleaut32 integer bstr
CREATE CURSOR memAllocs (memPtr i, AllocType c(1)) && track mem allocs that need to be freed: H=Heap,B=BSTR,L=Library
this.hProcHeap = GetProcessHeap()
PROCEDURE StartThreads(nThreads as Integer, ThreadCmd as String, ThreadProcParam as String,cStrIid as String )
this.nThreads = nThreads
IF CLSIDFromProgID(STRCONV("t1.c1"+CHR(0),5),@cClsId)!= 0 && dual interface
?"Error: class not found"
nLocals = 30 && sufficiently large for local vars
sCode="" && generate machine code for thread procedure into a string
* sCode = sCode + CHR(0xcc) && int 3 DebugBreak() to attach a debugger
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x55) && push ebp
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0xec) && mov ebp, esp
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x81) + CHR(0xec)+BINTOC(nLocals * 4, "4rs") && sub esp, nLocals
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0
sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("CoInitialize", "ole32")
sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("BeforeStart")
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xf0) && lea eax, [ebp-10h] && addr to put COM ptr
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cIid),"4rs") && mov eax, str
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER+CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,"4rs") && mov eax, val
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cClsId),"4rs") && mov eax, str
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("CoCreateInstance", "ole32")
sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("Creating")
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe0) && lea eax, [ebp-20h] && local var to get the vtResult of the COM call
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("VariantInit", "oleaut32") && Initialize the vtResult
*call MyDoCmd via early binding. First push the parms
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe0) && lea eax, [ebp-20h] && pass the address of vtResult for return value
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
*Now we need to push 3 empty variants, each of which is 4 DWORDS
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax
sCode = sCode + REPLICATE(CHR(0x50),12) && push eax12 times
*2nd param is P2:
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0x8) && mov eax,[ebp+8] && Form the P2 param as a Variant from the BSTR arg from the parent thread
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(VT_BSTR,"4rs") && mov eax, VT_BSTR
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
*1st param is the expr for VFP to Exec.
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(this.MakeStr(ThreadCmd,.t.,.t.),"4rs") && mov eax, cExpr (p2 is 2nd param to MyDoCmd)
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
*Now make the call
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xf0) && mov eax, [ebp-10h] && the COM ptr
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax]&& et the vTable
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x1c) && call [eax+1ch] && call indirect the function at 1ch in the vTable
sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("Calling")
*Free the return value with VariantClear because it's ignored
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe0) && lea eax, [ebp-20h]
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax
sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("VariantClear", "oleaut32")
sCode = sCode + this.GenEndCode(.t.)
AdrCode=this.memAlloc(LEN(sCode),sCode) && allocate memory for the code
DIMENSION this.hThreads[nThreads]
FOR i = 1 TO nThreads
this.hThreads[i] = CreateThread(0,8192, AdrCode, bstrArg, 0, 0)
this.cThreadHandles = this.cThreadHandles+BINTOC(this.hThreads[i],"4rs") && put the handles into a string rep of an int array
PROCEDURE GenCodeAtPoint(nPoint as String) as String && derived classes can override to gen code to exec at various points
PROCEDURE GenEndCode(fRelease as Boolean) as String && generate code to end thread
IF fRelease && do we also release COM obj?
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xf0) && mov eax, [ebp-10h]
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax]&& get the vTable
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x8) && call [eax+8h]
sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("BeforeEnd")
sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("CoUninitialize", "ole32")
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax && make ExitCodeThread= 0
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0xe5) && mov esp, ebp
sCode = sCode + CHR(0x5d) && pop ebp
sCode = sCode + CHR(0xc2)+CHR(0x04)+CHR(0x00) && ret 4
PROCEDURE WaitForThreads(cExpr as String)
DO WHILE WaitForMultipleObjects(this.nThreads, this.cThreadHandles, 1, 500) = WAIT_TIMEOUT && wait msecs for the threads to finish
&cExpr && execute any passed in param while waiting
FOR i = 1 TO this.nThreads
PROCEDURE MemAlloc(nSize as Integer, cStr as String) as Integer
nAddr = HeapAlloc(this.hProcHeap, 0, nSize) && allocate memory
ASSERT nAddr != 0 MESSAGE "Out of memory"
INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (nAddr,"H") && track them for freeing later
SYS(2600,nAddr, LEN(cStr),cStr) && copy the string into the mem
PROCEDURE CallDllFunction(strExport as String, strDllName as String) as String
*Create a string of machine code that calls a function in a DLL. Parms should already be pushed
LOCAL nAddr as Integer, hModule as Integer
hModule = LoadLibrary(strDllName)
INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (hModule,"L") && track loads for freeing later
ASSERT nAddr != 0 MESSAGE "Error: Export not found "+ strExport+" "+ strDllName
RETURN CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(nAddr,"4rs") + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0xd0) && mov eax, addr; call eax
PROCEDURE MakeStr(str as String, fConvertToUnicode as Logical, fMakeBstr as Logical) as Integer
* converts a string into a memory allocation and returns a pointer
LOCAL nRetval as Integer
IF fConvertToUnicode
str = str + CHR(0) && null terminate
IF fMakeBstr
nRetval= SysAllocString(str)
ASSERT nRetval != 0 MESSAGE "Out of memory"
INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (nRetval,"B") && track them for freeing later
nRetval= this.MemAlloc(LEN(str),str)
RETURN nRetval
SELECT memAllocs
CASE AllocType="B" && BSTR
CASE AllocType="H" && Heap
CASE AllocType="L" && LoadLibrary
May 16, 2006
So a regular VFP exe could call the methods of this class from the mtdll? Or am I missing something? Can you give an operational example of this in a VFP GUI type app that needs to do something like print in the background?Anonymous
May 16, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 16, 2006
I believe that the implementation of multiple threads must be by means of functions added like for example: do form <my form> object type 1 multihead =.t. Or begin multimultithread .... instructions ... endmultithread or select ...(select * from tabla) as calculo from othertable) with multitahread=.t..
Also I believe that in VFP it should add the funsión sleep (200) since at present many programmers use the old trick of for i=1 to 2000 endfor.Anonymous
May 16, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 17, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 17, 2006
Ok, now I think I see. Once the class is set up, there's not really a lot of set up - just feed it the code. Nice...Anonymous
May 17, 2006
Dim t as New Thread(addressof Method)
Easy and efficient... It is .Net !Anonymous
May 17, 2006
Well the equivalent here in vfp is:
cStrIid="{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" && IID_IDispatch
ox.StartThreads(nThreads,"do "+SYS(5)+CURDIR()+"MyThreadFunc WITH p2","Thread: %threadnum",cStrIid)
Not a bad way to give VFP some MT capability!!Anonymous
May 18, 2006
Hello Calvin !
Threading is a cool thing in VFP :-)
Is it possible to include this native in Sedna?
This can help me at a project for motorsports time measurement and reporting with the following options:
- One thread to catch the time from a COM-Port, sended by a chronometer with a light barrier
- One thread to send the actual time via COM-Port to a big LED display.
- The main thread is used to append/edit the competitors dates, printing a report and so on.
With friendly regards
Hans-Peter GrözingerAnonymous
May 21, 2006
The main thread is actually being blocked in this example by WaitForMultipleObjects. I changed this and also changed some commands to be backwards compatible with earlier VFP versions. This new version can be downloaded at SednaY: (project is called MTmyVFP)...Anonymous
May 22, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 23, 2006
In a prior post: Create multiple threads from within your application, there is a sample Thread Class...Anonymous
June 02, 2006
Hi Calvin,
In your post you mentioned a multithreaded runtime. Where can I get it?
June 02, 2006
Boris, VFP6SP5 and above has included the
vfp?t.dll which is the MT VFP runtime.
It looks to me that most of what Calvin is posting is VFP9 specific. I redid the first 2 multi-threading examples to be backward compatible with VFP7 - that can be found on
I'm hoping to be able to do the same with the WebCrawler...Anonymous
June 15, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 15, 2006
Are you using VFP9? I had to rewrite some functions to be backwards compat before it worked for me on VFP 7. This example worked alot more smoothly for me than the next example (threadmanager class). BTW, I also had better luck with msgwaitformultipleobjects...Anonymous
June 16, 2006
Claude, I am using VFP9SP1 when I'm getting this error.
I've seen a link to your modified version on the wiki and will give that a try.Anonymous
November 01, 2006
Doesn't seem to work when (as multithreaded) .DLL and .EXE are recompiled in Fox9 SP1. Running the test prog exits quickly and the ThreadLog table is not created.Anonymous
May 15, 2008
I received a question: Simply, is there a way of interrupting a vfp sql query once it has started shortAnonymous
June 18, 2008
Gargon's example of trying to run Multiple threads using a VFP class compiled into a COM EXE is not working in my case. What could be wrong? AbhayAnonymous
January 17, 2009
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