blibbet memorabilia
I'm looking for blibbet-era Microsoft memorabilia. Anything's good. Prefer software. But business cards. Stickers. Boxes. Whatever. Don't ask why. Okay, Yes I'm a geek. Just ping me if you've got anything you want to get rid of. But it has to have the blibbet! Thanks!
PS - also looking for Windows 1.0 in a box. If you've got one of those - ping me also.
- Anonymous
March 06, 2004
Great read!
"1977 November: Microsoft declares the cessation of their license with MITS,Inc. for the BASIC language, after a long dispute in the legal system."
Look like Bill has always been invloved in agruments over software? - Anonymous
March 06, 2004
Actually took a few minutes to google the logo: