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Get productive in your vacations, when something important happens

Hi, Today I received an email from one of my colleagues as an OOO message: I'm OOO on vacation with...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 08/08/2016

How to send a New Message using SMTP in Office365

Hi, I found this question coming too often :) so, I thought it would be interesting to share it...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 05/10/2016

Troubleshooting and Fix bluetooth in Surface Pro

Good Day! As this has happened some times now, I would like to share resources for all of you (focus...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/25/2016

Office 365 Import Service - Made Easy (and faster) the migration of your things to OneDrive and SharePoint

Hi, Yesterday was published a preview service that you may have been waiting for. Would you like to...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/16/2015

From Office UI Fabric to Office IT Scripts

Hi, This is the right time to start blogging again about Office and Windows. Just with the recent...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/04/2015

The importance of Cross Domain

Just today I came across some information related to cross-domain scenarios I shared in the past,...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/08/2013

How to use Query rules and display templates to detect the intent of your users

Hi, I'm pretty sure you have tried to search in Google or Bing the answer to a math operation, and...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 12/15/2012

SharePoint Network Monitor Parsers - Office 2013

Ciao! Do you remember this post? :) I do. Really nice to see that you can use Netmon with...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/08/2012

Windows 8 snapped view and SharePoint 2013

Hi everyone!, I'm just returning back to share with you 1 year of ideas :) It is the right time,...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/05/2012

User Account Control (UAC) and SharePoint

Hi again, Finaly I found a published recommendation for this scenario. I have faced sometimes that...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/26/2011

Disable co-authoring (SharePoint Server 2010)

Just for my own reference and better indexing ;) Is co-authoring in SharePoint 2010 configurable?...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/21/2011

Media queries with your favorite platform

Nice Spring, I wasn't aware of current state (W3C Candidate Recommendation) for Media Queries so...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/21/2011

Custom mobile redirect SharePoint 2010 publishing site

Hi, I go this request from a customer, and as you may get multiple alternatives; it would be nice to...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/21/2011

Clicking on the docicon does not launch document

Hi, You (and your users/customers) may have noticed that working with SharePoint 2010 lists clicking...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/17/2011

The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason

Hi, Did you were developing with SharePoint 2010 and found this error when working with Search...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 01/11/2011

How to: Add Publishing Image Field in your Search results

Hi, This has been a recurring problem in SharePoint: Although you add a publishingImage field to...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 01/07/2011

Page Layout Buttons Disabled on Ribbon

Hi, You may face that altough: You have permissions to edit the layout The page Layouts are...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 01/07/2011

Delete a Builtin ContentType from the list - Item, Document ... SPBuiltInContentTypeId

Hi, In order to delete a out of the box content type from a list/Library (item, document, etc..),...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/13/2010

Order List Content Types or Solve your "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.Parameter name: id / value"

Hi, You have tried to order the content type list for a list and you are not able to do it. You...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/13/2010

Use Jump Lists with your SharePoint 2010 development environment

Hi, Historically developers has been using tricks to get to SharePoint Root Path, as Shortcut to...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/01/2010

Changing Feature DeploymentPath in Visual Studio 2010

Hi, I have faced this twice, so it needs a post :) it is really a minor clarification, but here it...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/01/2010

SharePoint Server 2010 Performance and Capacity Management

Hi all, These recently published documents are really a must reading for everyone that wants to...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 04/19/2010

Migrate data using SharePoint Client Code - LookupId

Two weeks ago I received an email asking how my SharePoint 2007 ratings work in order to include...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 02/16/2010

SPException: No item exists at http

Hi, Today I get a request from a partner who were experiencing the following error: Error: No item...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 01/22/2010

SharePoint Labs - NetWork Monitor SharePoint Parsers

Hi, Occasionally I like to design solutions that extend our product, just as part of my motto. So I...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 01/05/2010

Security SharePoint boundaries - Securable objects Best Practices

Hi, I have found this question to be trickier than expected, so I wanted to put together my...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 12/22/2009

SharePoint Labs vNext features - wishlist

Hi, For the next SharePoint version, I will bet on ASP.NET Routing as a main technology adoption....

Author: Carlos hm Date: 12/08/2009

Simplicity comes from the platform

Today, remembering the steps and some solutions made to manage security policies or accounts, I...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 12/07/2009

PauseCrawl vs PauseBackgroundActivity

Hi, Just a comment about my pausecrawl powershell script. Although it seems clear the pausecrawl...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 12/07/2009

Follow SEO recommendations in your public SharePoint deployment

Hi, Today I received a request about SEO recommendations in your SharePoint deployment. Well you...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/25/2009

JQuery and SharePoint 2010 Javascript Conflict

Hi, Yesterday I faced a problem with a PoC I did some months ago. I added a ratings feature to...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/17/2009

Finally Astoria coming to your SharePoint Theatres

Hi, Do you remember my Astoria Blog Publishing post? well now you can check that my crystal ball is...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 11/11/2009

Once upon a time there was an activeX CDN :)

Hi, Yesterday after my vacations, I was reviwing Scott posts and I found that we have announced the...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 09/22/2009

JQuery Rating in SharePoint Lists

Hi, Last week I was asked to create a sample to include in a SharePoint list rating functionality...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 08/24/2009

Foxit PDF IFilter must be reinstalled after installing a software update or ... Microsoft Filter Pack

Hi, Testing search in a development environment, I faced that after installation of MS Filter Pack...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 08/13/2009

How to: Programmatically read the ChangeLog in PowerShell

Hi, When I was working to get powershell scripts from MSDN samples to get/set information, I created...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 06/05/2009

Phrase of the week - ODF

To the point: can you point me to where it is stated that validity to the manifest schema is a ODF...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 05/21/2009

Web Slices and SharePoint

Hola, Last week, I read in a DL a question about how to show something cool, provide value and...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 04/19/2009

Migration from Microsoft Access to SharePoint

Hi, Yesterday I was asked about migration paths for Access applications. Yes, there are still a...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 04/17/2009

From app_offline.htm to Failover Farm. SharePoint High Availability Scenarios

Hi again, Last months this has been one of our main tracks we have been working on. As useful...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 04/01/2009

Sharepoint: supportability scenarios

Today I posted some samples about Search and Powershell integration. I mention about the...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/31/2009

How to: Programmatically Manage the Crawl of a Content Source in PowerShell

Hi, If you have read my previous post you may think, why did you stop there? Well, that is what I...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/31/2009

How to: Programmatically Export the Crawl History to a CSV File in PowerShell

Hi, When I came across the article at MSDN How to: Programmatically Export the Crawl History to a...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 03/31/2009

Use jQuery to make FrontPage requests

Hi, It is interesting to see JQuery growing in the SharePoint space. For sure client APIs will...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 01/22/2009

Inside SharePoint - Customize the Mobile Home Page

Hi, These days I've been reviewing different ideas I wrote down in the last months. One of those was...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 12/29/2008

How to detect which .NET Framework X service pack is installed

Hi, Today I needed to find which versions+SP were installed, so this maybe helpful for anyone else:...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 10/28/2008

Information Design for MOSS

Hi, I was reading today Stephen P. Anderson's book and then I realized that Information Architecture...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 10/22/2008

URL Rewriting in MOSS 2007

Hi, There are two things you hear in your first deployment of a Publishing Site: XHTML validation...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 10/15/2008

The URL of a subsite may appear in uppercase even though you used lowercase when you created the subsite in SharePoint Server 2007

Hi, You may find this problem being arised by your customers. You can find the description in the...

Author: Carlos hm Date: 10/15/2008
