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Starting again


Let's try to write about what I read, see or think. First, I work at IW MCS Team at Spain, so I'll write about Office development and RS, although I love many other stuff.

I was searching time ago apps/tools in order to manage Word documents at the server, as you perhaps know Microsoft Office were not intended to be use at the server (more later on this). But I have been in several projects were this was a requirement. So which alternatives we have?

Searching through several solutions you can find:

and solutions around WordML with CambridgeDocs or the transformation with RenderX at MSDN

And usually customer start her own solution. In this path VSTO, is really improving in the next release (November), so you should take a closer look in new Server-Side functionality, as the ServerDocument Class.

The Office XML Formats for Codenamed Office "12" will be important too, so check Brian Jones blog

It would be great if you give us your opinion about those products, if you have tested them. Or solutions you have made and problems you have faced.

About Office on the server, you may have read about our future new services as Excel Services or Forms Server so I think we are going to have a new interested year :)


