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Last Call: Join us in Toronto for Windows 8 Pure Imagination

Windows 8 pure imaginationLearn about HTML gaming, talk to a VC to learn about funding for start-ups, join the hackathon, learn about Windows 8 design, or how to use Azure for free websites or to give you back end services for iOS, Windows8, or Windows Phone, all this and more at Windows 8 Pure Imagination

Microsoft with partner Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University is bringing you Windows8 Pure Imagination this weekend, November 24-25th! If you have any interest in developing on mobile platforms, you’ll find something this weekend for you! For those in the Toronto area you can attend in person, if you aren’t in Toronto, you can register online and still catch some great content!


  • We’ve got Grant Skinner, creator of Pirates Loves Daisies and creator of the open source library CreateJS in person talking about how you can get going building games with HTML5
  • Do you already know XNA? Find out how some game developers are using Mono XNA to use their XNA skills on Windows 8


  • The Bizspark team is offering Ask a VC. You can have 10 minutes of 1-1 time with a venture capitalist. Time slots are limited, so visit the Pure Imagination Site today to find out how you can request a time slot.


  • Get tips on how to design an app for the Windows 8 platform that really shines!

Just want to get around to coding that app you’ve been thinking about?

  • There’s a developer track with session to teach you the basics of how to build an app on Windows 8
  • There’s a hackathon at Pure Imagination as well, it starts at 4PM Saturday and goes for 22 hours! Go straight through with us on site or sneak home for a nap whatever works for you.


  • We have an invitation only event Friday evening just for you, to help you take a good idea and make it great! The evening includes a great session from Harpaul Sambhi of Careerify on how NOT to start a business :)  Registration for this event is by invite only, we have had a few cancellations, so if you email us we’ll send you an invite if we have a spot left.

If you’ve even been thinking about building an app for Windows 8 this is a fantastic event to learn and get rolling!  Looking forward to meeting lots of Ryerson students at the exclusive Friday night event! Don’t miss out! and last but not least…

A huge thank you to our amazing hosts at Ted Rogers School of Management!


  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2012