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How do I find out about Upcoming Partner Training & great offers?

I am often asked by partners about the upcoming training sessions and how they find out about what’s available. I know that this information is often buried deep within the Partner website so the Partner team have been working to expand the communications channels to help partners more easily discover the information they need.

This is not just dynamics related training either – so if you are a Microsoft Partner, make sure you keep an eye on all the great training & resources these guys work hard to put together for you!

Now you can check the Partner Readiness Blog:

Or Follow them on Twitter here:

One of the first posts is about 50% off CRM Certification courses that CEO Training is running (only up until the 30th of June)

No more excuses! Now I don't want to hear from anyone else that they would have gone to a training session if they had known about it! :)