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Tour of Arkansas



I had a GREAT time touring across Arkansas (over 1300 miles of driving!) talking about Windows Live Framework (LiveFX for short), Windows Live Mesh, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight 3 and building communities.  I’d like to thank Randy Walker, Michael Paladino and all the User Group leaders in Fort Smith, Springdale, Harrison, Jonesboro, Little Rock and Wal-Mart for allowing me to visit their groups and present at their meetings.  I’ve had several requests for the materials I used for my presentation, so I’ve posted them to my Skydrive site:

Thanks again for allowing me to visit your groups, and don’t forget to sign up for Dallas TechFest!

Technorati Tags: arkansas,live,windowslive,mesh,livefx,silverlight,mvc,aspnetmvc


  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2009
    I'm in Fort Smith and I didn't even realize we had a .NET user group here! I would have gone to hear your talk if I had known about it

  • Anonymous
    April 10, 2009
    Chris, thanks for coming.  We certainly enjoyed having you in Fort Smith. Jonathan, check out for more information about the Fort Smith .NET User Group or shoot me an email at, and we'll get you added to the email list.

  • Anonymous
    April 10, 2009
    Posting it on W.L. Skydrive... why not share it on your W.L. Mesh? :)  Is Mesh likely to replace Skydrive at some point?  Thanks again for the presentation.

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2009
    @Fraunkleen: Using Skydrive makes that file instantly available to everyone without me having to invite anyone.  If I had used Mesh, then I'd have to individually invite everyone that I wanted to access the file.  This is a job better suited for Skydrive Cheers! Chris