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Win a TekSkin for your Laptop!


The Microsoft REMIX and Partner teams have joined forces with TekSkin to give away 100 free laptop skins... all you have to do is create your design, upload it to the site and the best 100 designs win a laptop skin... easy.

5 top reasons to buy a TekSkin:

  • Protects your notebooks, keeping it looking new
  • You can have your own design on the cover of your laptop
  • Durable & long lasting and made in Australia :)
  • Easy application
  • Fits all note books

partnerexpression silverlight 

Terms and conditions apply including to be eligible to enter, you have to be an Australian Certified, Gold Certified or Registered Member of the Microsoft Partner Program who attended either the REMIX08 Australia conference at either Sydney on 20 May or Melbourne on 22 May.

Technorati Tags: TekSkin, REMIX08
