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Presentation: Agile .Net Development - Part 1 - Tools and Basics

Last night I gave a presentation at the Melbourne Agile Developer Group (MXPEG) about agile .Net development. The group has a higher proportion of Java developers, so I had volunteered to give a view of agile from a .Net perspective.

I only got through half of my material last night, so I'll be talking again next month. Last night I presented information about a set of tools that can help if you are trying to follow some of the Extreme Programming practices while using .Net. Next month I'll be focusing on design decisions in .Net that have helped me create applications with a simple and testable design.

The practices covered were: Coding Standards, Continuous Integration, Refactoring, and Testing.

The technologies covered included: NUnit, NUnitAsp, NUnitAddin, NMock, PicoContainer, FxCop, CruiseControl.Net, NAnt, NCover, and Microsoft's yet-to-be-released Visual Studio Team System.

The presentation is available here.