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What Does the Demo Showcase Look Like (Physically)?

So Mr/Mrs/Miss (etc etc) Microsoft Partner... You attended Worldwide Partner Conference 2006 in Boston? You picked up a stash of CD's & DVD's that have been filed under a "To Do" pile? You haven't even got around to looking at some of them? Any of them? Do any of them look like this?

Demo Showcase WPC Cover

If not, you missed out, should've picked one up... Maybe an updated version will land in your Gold/Certified partner pack soon..!

If not, go ahead, pop one of them DVD's into your machine right now, have a browse, let me know what you think...

Demo Showcase WPC Inlay

Ciao for now :)


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have a mate at work, Chris, who has always been a good and clever egg the whole time I have known him.