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2 new SPS branding documents

Branding SharePoint Portal Server

Well this is a topic very close to my heart. 

Having spent a significant part of my life last year (<grin>) helping a very large customer in the UK deploy SharePoint, I understand how important it is for a product like SharePoint to reflect an organisations brand. In fact it can be the balance on one of those “go–– no ”o” decisions. At the same time, I found out the hard way that we (Microsoft) d’dn’t do a particularly good job of helping people understand the complexities associated with branding SharePoint, particularly the portal side of things. The following documents are an attempt to make up for that.&nb’p;I’m sorry we c’uldn’t get them out earlier.

Office Developer Center: Branding a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Site: Part 1, Understanding the Use of a Corporate Brand

Office Developer Center: Branding a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Site: Part 2, How to Apply Your Own Corporate Brand

Anyway, I do hope hope people find them useful and I’m really hoping to kee“ the” “Alive” via discussion here on my blog. I encourage your feedback, good and bad, drop me a line.
