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We know we can always do a better job and really value your feedback and suggestions; every day, decisions we make are guided by what you tell us: the images we select for our collection, the topics we write about in this blog, the features we implement on our site...

Yes, we love to hear from you and want to hear from you even more! So we want to learn how you would like to engage with us and with other users on the site, and how you like to interact on your favorite sites today.

  • What compels you to post a comment, rate an item or forward a page to a friend?
  • How do you like engaging with the site, other users of the site, and experts?
  • What brings out the "chatty" you? For example, do you read reviews by other users before you purchase something on Amazon or book a hotel on Expedia? Later on, do you go back and add your review to help others with their decisions?
  • Do you comment on images on sites like Flickr or iStockphoto? Do you read other users' comments?
  • What about sites, such as Wikipedia, that allow you to add and edit? If you could edit a Web page or share a how-to video on a site, would you?

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  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2008
    The most interesting thing on an article is the one with good tips on doing something, or article about someone's good job. So for instance, you are talking about PowerPoint, give us good example of one good slide that effectively used on a presentation. Or give us good and new innovative ways on making PowerPoint slide and use it so the slide become powerful media on delivering our idea.
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2008
    Mike Tholfsen is an energetic and dedicated senior test manager at Microsoft, and I've had the pleasure
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2008
    I can't find anywhere your usage rules. Are all clip art images royalty free? Can it be used on a t-shirt for a school event? Can it be used as parts or portions of a logo? I cannot find your legal usage document on your clipart. - Thanks
  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2008
    Is anyone else having trouble downloading templates? I have been trying for a week now. I keep getting a message that says " Service Temporarily Unavailable. Please Try Again Later" I have written to support and have not gotten a response. If anyone else is having this problem or knows how to resolve it, I would love to hear from you!
  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2008
    I HATE this site. I have tried ALL DAY to download one clipart. ONE! after attempting the download, a service agreement pops up and you have to accept it. Well I tried.... 25 times! It says I need to allw cookies. I did every adjustment known to man and I can still not accept the service agreement. I see no contact us help with this on this site. Any help from anyone... please?!!!
  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2008
    Here's the Microsoft Office support contactinfo:
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2008
    I use this for internal work publications, and it's great. But I'd like to see a more interactive site that included the ability to rate bits of art, add comments, and add our own tags (these could be separate from your own tags, i think).Separate from these more social, crowd-sourcing elements, it would be amazing if created a larger hub for free clip art on the accepting uploaded images.I imagine that your considering all these options. It can't happen soon enough.
  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2008
    Some Clip Art designs have a style number such as 304.  Can one search for everything with a particular style and how?  It would be nice to find all designs with a particular style instead of having to hunt through all the categories
  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2008
    What compels you to post a comment, rate an item or forward a page to a friend?I DON'T DO THIS MUCH...How do you like engaging with the site, other users of the site, and experts?THIS IS MY FIRST TIME USING THE BLOG PORTION OF THE SITES.  I OFTEN GO TO THE DISCUSSION FORUM WHERE PEOPLE POST QUESTIONS AND LOOK FOR FIXESWhat brings out the "chatty" you? For example, do you read reviews by other users before you purchase something on Amazon or book a hotel on Expedia? Later on, do you go back and add your review to help others with their decisions?FOR NON MICROSOFT SOFTWARE, YES.  FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE, I HAVE ALL I NEED, SO, IF I NEED SOMETHING NEW... I CAN FIGURE FOR MYSELF, WITHOUT THE REVIEWS IF IT IS OF VALUE TO MEDo you comment on images on sites like Flickr or iStockphoto? Do you read other users' comments?NOPE.  I USE PRO.CORBIS, BUT, NO COMMENT POSTINGS AT ALL.What about sites, such as Wikipedia, that allow you to add and edit? If you could edit a Web page or share a how-to video on a site, would you?NOPE.  I LIKE TO READ IT THOUGH.
  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2008
    can i use clipart downloaded from microsoft websiteas login banner image in yahoogroups opening page.single clipart would be fineany limitations or rules i am limited by ?shiva.chennai@gmail.comrgds/shiva
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2008
    I have enjoyed searching for clip art today - I have seen a lot more, very interesting clips that I have not seen in the recent past.  However, I am concerned that there are so few faces of color in the images.  There are more clips than before of people in conversations, meetings, etc.  However, the majority of them are white males.  Where are the women?  Where are the images of African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans in family groups, laughing and hugging, in meetings with other people of color, not as the token person of color, children playing, babies being loved on?  Just Curious
  • Anonymous
    July 09, 2008
    I would appreciate an improved storage and display mechanism for my images.  Perhaps something that can be sorted by date or tags.  Room for my own comments, thumbnail examples of how I've used it or how others have used it, sharemail.
  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2008
    I would like to use a photo from the clip art file.  It will be used on a banner, with some minor changes, (1) I have cropped it so it is now oval instead of a rectangle (2) I have inserted a logo in a corner of the pic.With those changes I would like to use it on hats and tshirts as to be sold for a nonprofit organization.  No persons would benefit financially from any proceeds/profits.Do I need permission, a release of some sort, and if so, how do I obtain that.Right now, when I save the pic to my "basket" for download, there is no third party referenced so I am assuming it belongs to Microsoft.Please reply as soon as possible, I have a short lead time to get the shirts printed.Thank you, very,very much. Chaz
  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2008
    There needs to be a default that combines repeatedly downloaded clip art.  I've got several of the same clip arts all over the place.It would be nice to be able to search by artist or style of art so that it would be easier to create pages that flow and match.  Rose
  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2008
    When I try to insert clip art my computer locks up.  Can you help?
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2008
    I was looking for images of nurses and I am appalled by the selection that is available from Microsoft.  The nurses are all detected as wearing short skirts, or still wearing hats (that stopped a generation ago!). The bulk of the pictures were of physicians when the topic selected was nurse.  The rest of the images are of nurses holding very large, pointy syringes.  Of 18 pages of images, there were only a handful that showed nurses accurately.  Please, please throw out these old images and supply new ones of nurses as intelligent professionals.Thanks
  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2008
    I really, really like clip art styles 1377, 1252, 494, etc. I love the sweeping lines and curves in these clasy styles. I'm hoping that you can tell me the name of artist that drew these images and where I could see more of their work. Thank you.
  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    December 09, 2008
    thanks for the comment people thanks again you guy are great
  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2008
    Many thanks Camblog for your most useful link to the Microsoft Office Support Contact - I actually managed to get an email sent off asking the question I wanted to ask (and being asked to fill in my email address so that, hopefully, I'm guaranteed of an answer as well).
  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2008
    I was making banners for all the states and you don't have "any" clip art for Louisianna.  Can you load some?  There is a collection of all the same type for the US and Canada.
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2009
    I'm having trouble determining if my use of MS photos from the clipart site is OK. I recommend a Permissions section on the blog. There seem to be a lot of people searching for answers in this area. I would like to use some photos for an online ethics program I'm designing for a community college. It's not for sale, strictly for employees. Is this OK?
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2009
    When I bought a PC  back in about 2000, I fell in love with and used clip art from Publisher regularly. I was dazzled by the variety of charming artwork for Christmas, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving, etc.  Even the clever little stick figures pertaining to golf, firemen, success, joy, employment, etc. etc. were charming!  Now I have a Mac and the Publisher is not compatible, to my sorrow. Can I possibly get the same charming clips for my Mac?  Carolyn
  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2009
    I want to put check marks in a flyer and I can't find them in any symbols options. Where can I find them?Thanks
  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2009
    The comment has been removed