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SharePoint Connections 2010 – Las Vegas: Claims-Based Security and SharePoint 2010

Thanks to everyone that attended my Claims-Based Security and SharePoint 2010 session at SharePoint Connections 2010 Las Vegas.  Despite some really strange video switch problems, I had a great time at the session and with all the great discussions at the booth afterwards.

I’ve shared my slides via Office Live below.

Also, here are the links I mentioned.  I’ll be publishing some of the questions in a FAQ when I get back to the office.

SharePoint Foundation Security

Identity Developer Training Course

Claims Walkthrough: Writing Claims Providers for SharePoint 2010

Claims Walkthrough: Creating Trusted Login Providers (SAML Sign-in) for SharePoint 2010

Claims Walkthrough: Creating Claims Providers for Trusted Login Providers for SharePoint 2010

Special thanks to Vittorio Bertocci, Steve Peschka and Andy Li for the great resources above.  It would be impossible to learn such a complex topic without  them!