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FxCop 1.36 Beta Released!

I'm pleased to announce that we've released a beta of the next version of FxCop. This release has a number of changes since FxCop 1.35, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • 200+ bug fixes that reduce noise, missing analysis and rule crashes
  • Support for analyzing anonymous methods and lambda expressions
  • New option for skipping analysis over tool generated code
    • Turn this on in the UI via Project -> Options -> Spelling & Analysis -> Suppress analysis results against generated code
    • Turn this on in the command-line via /ignoregeneratedcode switch.
  • Better support for C++/CLI and the Compact Framework
  • Language 'friendly' API names in the UI and resolutions (ie Visual Basic syntax if running over a Visual Basic binary)
  • New globalization, design and usage rules
  • Performance improvements that cut analysis by 2x and use half as much memory
  • Documentation that is now available on MSDN

There are also some other underlying changes that I will talk about in some future posts.

Download it, and tell us what you think. If you have any feedback, bug reports or any questions, feel free to head over to the Code Analysis forum and ask away.