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Happy New Year and Welcome to the FxCop Blog! [Michael Murray]

Hello and welcome to the FxCop Team Blog!  One of our team resolutions for this year (besides just trying to be generally nicer people) is to start an FxCop blog so here it is!  Our goal is a single URL where we serve up tips and information about the FxCop tool and relay answers to some of the more common and pressing questions.

If this is your first exposure to the FxCop tool, you should start by downloading and installing the tool from  Have a look at the documentation and let us know if you have any questions by emailing

If you are familiar with the tool, you can still use the FxCop Message Board, downloads and documentation at GotDotNet.  This blog is designed as an adjunct to those avenues of communication. 

Feel free to use comments here on the blog or drop us a line at the above email if you have questions.