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Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework

The Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework is a free, centralized code sample library provided by the Microsoft Community team. Our goal is to provide typical code samples for all Microsoft development technologies.

[Sample Of Oct 30th] How to add registry entries to Windows Azure VM programmatically

Sample Download : One of the common asks...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/30/2013

[Sample Of Oct 29th] How to retrieve diagnostics messages in Windows Azure storage

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/29/2013

[Sample Of Oct 27th] How to use Bing Translator API in Windows Azure

Sample Download : This Sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/27/2013

[Sample Of Oct 26th] How to horizontally partition data in Windows Azure SQL Database

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/26/2013

[Sample Of Oct 25th] How to transfer IIS logs to storage account in a custom format in Windows Azure

Sample Download : Because any log...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/25/2013

[Sample Of Oct 24th] How to serve files from Blob storage via a Windows Azure Web Role application

Sample Download : The sample code...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/24/2013

[Sample Of Oct 23rd] How to perform management operations on the Service Bus using REST on Windows Phone

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/23/2013

[Sample Of Oct 21st] How to enable static compression in Windows Azure applications

Sample Download : Static compression is...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/21/2013

[Sample Of Oct 20th] How to check whether a file is in use

Sample Download : The project...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/21/2013

[Sample Of Oct 18th] How to convert between TIFF image and multiple JPEG images

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/18/2013

[Sample Of Oct 17th] How to automate a web page in the WebBrowser control

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/17/2013

[Sample Of Oct 16th] How to Generate SAS from Windows Azure Mobile Services

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/16/2013

[Sample Of Oct 15th] How to use Windows Azure ACS to authenticate in WPF application

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/16/2013

[Sample Of Oct 14th] Encrypt and decrypt ASP.NET web config

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Author: philip fu Date: 10/14/2013

[Sample Of Oct 13th] Automates Visio in .NET

Sample Download : CS Version: VB Version:...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/13/2013

[Sample Of Oct 11th] ExcelLike GridView for batch actions in ASP.NET

Sample Download : The project...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/11/2013

[Sample Of Oct 10th] Get MAC of local Ethernet and Wireless80211

Sample Download : CS Version: VB Version:...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/10/2013

[Sample Of Oct 9th] How to download files from FTP server

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/09/2013

[Sample Of Oct 8th] How to bind HTML from a data model to a WebView in Windows Store app.

Sample Download : It's been said...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/09/2013

[Sample Of Oct 7th] Using ACS as an OData token issuer

Sample Download : The sample code...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/08/2013

[Sample Of Oct 6th] Azure Storage Backup Sample

Sample Download : The sample code demonstrates...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/06/2013

[Sample Of Oct 5th] Remove permission level in SharePoint

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/06/2013

[Sample Of Oct 3rd] How to import/export the XML files using Code First in EF

Sample Download : This sample demonstrates...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/03/2013

[Sample Of Oct 2nd] Load Isolated Storage's Image and display in WP8

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 10/02/2013

[Sample Of Sep 30th] How to view SQL Azure Report Services

Sample Download : The sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/30/2013

[Sample Of Sep 29th] How to set Timeout for HttpWebRequest in WP8

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/29/2013

[Sample Of Sep 28th] How to play music while screen is locked in WP8

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/28/2013

[Sample Of Sep 26th] How to implement retry logic while working with Azure AppFabric Caching

Sample Download : When using cloud...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/26/2013

[Sample Of Sep 25th] How to control Windows Azure VM with REST api

Sample Download : To operate Windows...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/25/2013

[Sample Of Sep 24th] Print a specific part of webpage in ASP.NET

Sample Download : The project...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/24/2013

[Sample Of Sep 23rd] How to create a simple web downloader

Sample Download : The sample demonstrates...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/23/2013

[Sample Of Sep 22nd] Custom WF4 Activity Validation

Sample Download : When we trying to...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/22/2013

[Sample Of Sep 21st] Create WF4 service host in code

Sample Download : By using...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/21/2013

[Sample Of Sep 20th] How to sort RSS feed in WP8

Sample Download : This sample shows how...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/20/2013

[Sample Of Sep 19th] How to use WCF to implement Reverse Ajax in ASP.NET

Sample Download : CS Version: VB Version:...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/19/2013

[Sample Of Sep 17th] How to develop a custom content type with associated workflow in SharePoint

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/17/2013

[Sample Of Sep 16th] How to store the images in SQL Azure

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/16/2013

[Sample Of Sep 15th] Zoom in/out in WP8

Sample Download : This sample demonstrates how...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/15/2013

[Sample Of Sep 13th] How to set folder permissions in Office 365

Sample Download : In this sample, we will...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/13/2013

[Sample Of Sep 12th] Making an await WebClient in WP8

Sample Download : This sample will...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/13/2013

[Sample Of Sep 11th] Extend ASP.NET TreeView to support tags

Sample Download : In Windows Forms...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/11/2013

[Sample Of Sep 9th] Display and select current rating using Ajax Rating control

Sample Download : This code...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/09/2013

[Sample Of Sep 8th] How to fill a DataTable with the result of LinqToEntity

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/08/2013

[Sample Of Sep 5th] How to retrieve output parameter from stored procedure in Entity Framework

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/05/2013

[Sample Of Sep 4th] Backup Isolated Storage To SkyDrive in WP8

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/04/2013

[Sample Of Sep 3rd] How to modify sessionState section at run time in ASP.NET

Sample Download : CS Version: VB...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/03/2013

[Sample Of Sep 2nd] Bind ListView with local datasource in Windows Store apps

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/02/2013

[Sample Of Sep 1st] Call server side function without web service in ASP.NET

Sample Download : This sample code...

Author: philip fu Date: 09/01/2013

[Sample Of Aug 30th] Evaluate function and get local variables of a Managed Process Using MDbg

Sample Download : The sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 08/31/2013

[Sample Of Aug 29th] How to bind command to button which in the DataTemplate in Windows Store app

Sample Download : This sample...

Author: philip fu Date: 08/29/2013

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