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How to see items added to a SharePoint list/library in the last X days?

This post will describe how to create a view of a SharePoint list or library which displays the items/documents that have been added to a list or library in the last X number of days (X is a variable you define).


A 'Recent Requests' view is needed on a 'Customer Suggestions' document library to allow the head of the complaints department to see the requests customers have submitted in the last seven days. To do this:

1. Create the library/ list

2. Click Create Column on the Settings menu of the library/list









3. Enter Date Expire as the Column name





4. In the Name and Type section, click the Calculated radio button




















 5. In the Additional Column Settings section, in the Formula box, type [Created] + 7







6. In the Additional Column Settings section, click Date and Time











7. Click OK


8. Click Create View on the Settings menu of the list/library










9. Under Start from an existing view, click All items or All Documents






10. Enter Recent Requests as the View name





11. Check the Make this the default view checkbox





12. In the Columns section, uncheck the Date Expire checkbox






13. In the Filter section, click the Show items only when the following is true radio button





14. In the first drop-down, select Date Expire






15. In the second drop-down, select is greater than




16. In the text-box, type [Today]




17. Click the And radio button

18. Under When column, in the first drop-down, select Date Expire






19. Under When column, in the second drop-down, select is less than or equal to




20. In the text-box, type [Today]+7




21. Click OK


In my next post, I will explain how to create a View of a SharePoint list or library which displays the items/documents that meet a custom date value.