Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 All-Inclusive SQL Database Views Listing

Happy MMS 2013 everyone!  Only 2 days, 12 hours, and 20 minutes to go according to the MMS 2013 official countdown clock.  I’m looking forward to seeing all the old faces and meeting some new ones.  I’ll be lab proctoring in the HOL B labs Tuesday from 8:30-11:30, and HOL A labs Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30-11:30.  If you’re stopping by, I really like my coffee with a couple or three Splendas (I really don’t mind putting the Splenda in myself!!!)  If it’s before 9am, don’t be too alarmed if I’m talking to you with my eyes shut while laying under the tables.

So the following question came up today on MyITForum’s amazingly helpful MSSMS e-mail list ( which I highly recommend every SCCM admin subscribes to:

Q: Microsoft used to post the SQL views for ConfigMgr 2007, Does anyone know where I can find the SQL views for ConfigMgr 2012?

A: So I ran the following query against my CM_xxx database:

Select distinct table_name,COLUMN_NAME From Information_Schema.columns
where table_name LIKE ('v%')
Order by table_name

I saved the results out to a .RPT file, imported it into Excel, Inserted a PivotTable, and viola, a list of all SQL views and their associated columns for Configuration Manager 2012. 

Download link for the spreadsheet :

Anyone feel like typing in a description for each?
