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DPUpgradeThreadLimit Modification

I’ve recently spent some time with a customer deploying a large amount of Distribution Points in their ConfigMgr 2012 R2 hierarchy. They were finding themselves running into bottlenecks during the deployment, and with the help of the ConfigMgr Product Group, a new Site Control File property modification is now being supported.

Distribution point installations or upgrades may take longer than expected in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 

The DPUpgradeThreadLimit property by default is set to five. The property should be carefully increased in environments where many Distribution Points are being installed/upgraded in parallel.

As the property is not visible by default, we need to create and set the new property. This will add the property and set it to the $newValue value across all of your Sites.

 This script is provided as-is and provides no warranties. Please thoroughly test in a lab environment, and see the Configuration Manager SDK for more information.

001002003004005006007008009010011012013014015016017018019020021022023024025026027028029030031032033034035036037038039040041042043044045046047048049050051052053054 param([string] $siteServerName=".",[int] $newValue=10)$providerLocation = gcim -ComputerName $siteServerName -Namespace root\sms SMS_ProviderLocation -filter "ProviderForLocalSite='True'"$providerMachine = $providerLocation.Machine$sitecode = $providerLocation.SiteCode$providerNamespace = "root\sms\site_" + $sitecode$siteFilter = "SiteCode='" + $sitecode + "'"$distmgrConfig = gcim -ComputerName $providerMachine -Namespace $providerNamespace SMS_SCI_Component | ? {$_.ComponentName -eq "SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER"}ForEach ($distMgrObject in $distmgrConfig) { $properties = $distMgrObject | select -ExpandProperty Props $threadLimitProperty = $properties | ? {$_.PropertyName -eq "DPUpgradeThreadLimit"} if($threadLimitProperty -eq $null) { write-host "Previous setting for DPUpgradeThreadLimit was using default, updating to $newValue" $newProperty = New-CimInstance -ComputerName $providerMachine -Namespace $providerNamespace -ClassName SMS_EmbeddedProperty $newProperty.PropertyName = "DPUpgradeThreadLimit" $newProperty.Value = $newValue $newPropertyList = @() $properties | % { $newPropertyList += $_} $newPropertyList += $newProperty $distMgrObject.Props = $newPropertyList scim $distMgrObject } else { write-host "Previous setting for $($DistMgrObject.SiteCode) DPUpgradeThreadLimit was $($threadLimitProperty.Value), updating to $newValue" $newProperty.PropertyName = "DPUpgradeThreadLimit" $newProperty.Value = $newValue $newPropertyList = @() $properties | % { if($_.PropertyName -eq "DPUpgradeThreadLimit") { $_.Value = $newValue $newPropertyList += $_ } else { $newPropertyList += $_            } } $distMgrObject.Props = $newPropertyList scim $distMgrObject }}