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Hi. My name is Craig Rowland. I'm one of the program managers on the Windows Driver Kits team. I've been at Microsoft for almost eight years now. I've moved around between groups but have always been doing work related to Windows and driver

File shares in XP that aren't shared

As I've discussed before, ASI won't work unless your clients can get to the file shares created by...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/28/2005

Windows XP and Server 2003 logos in the DTM

A hot topic of discussion today was support for Windows XP and Server 2003 logo testing in the WDK....

Author: craigrow Date: 09/28/2005

Technology in the morning

We're doing a WDK presentation this morning for a bunch of driver development groups. When we...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/28/2005

What in the world is going on?

First we heard the rumors that Microsoft was buying AOL and now this...Windows will run on Palm...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/26/2005

Company meeting

A lot of people have been asking me to share my thoughts on the company meeting. First, Safeco Field...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/26/2005

Predictive Markets

The Google Blog has a rather un-interesting post on how Google uses predictive markets to gleen...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/22/2005

Success for ASI

I received an email yesterday from one of the TAP sites we visited last month in Silicon Valley....

Author: craigrow Date: 09/22/2005

Getting RSS feeds for search terms

Morten pointed out to me the RSS feeds that are available on the Google Blog search page. This...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/19/2005

ASI Security tips up our customers

When we decided to retire the HCT, DDK, DCT and IFS and replace them with one kit, the WDK, on of...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/19/2005

Google blog search: I don't get it.

I'm sure I'm not the first one to tell you Google has launched a blog search tool. I really don't...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/14/2005

Steve Carbone gives Ximage a try

I think he liked it.

Author: craigrow Date: 09/14/2005

LA Power Outage

I guess the LA Times has confirmed the power outage was caused by an employee who cut the wrong...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/12/2005

Preview new draft of the WDK Automated Deployment Tools Quick Start Guide

Here is the latest draft of the WDK Automated Deployment Tools Quick Start Guide. Please let me know...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/12/2005

eBay buys Skype

There has been a lot of action in the IP phone business lately. It won't be long before that...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/12/2005

How easy is this: installing additional drivers

One of the things that became very obvious while working with customers last week was that our...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/09/2005

Wireless at the ballpark

Last week we were able to take a side trip to SBC park in San Francisco to catch a ballgame. SBC is...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/07/2005

Architect is not a verb

Devhawk has a post on one of my pet peeves, the use of the word “architect” as a verb; people say...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/06/2005

Changing ASI server defaults

As you know, I was in Silicon Valley last week showing customers the DTM and ASI. One thing I had to...

Author: craigrow Date: 09/06/2005

Features, Features, Features!

Our first day in Silicon Valley was very producive. We have a whole list of feature ideas as a...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/30/2005

Excellent Vista imaging article

Thanks again to Paul Thurrott.

Author: craigrow Date: 08/29/2005

The unsigned driver warning

This is the best story I've ever heard about somebody trying to get around the unsigned driver...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/28/2005 blogs

As you know, I'm a big fan of It is disappointing to me how little traffic there is on...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/26/2005

How to write a non-fiction best seller: chapter 4 review

Chapter 4 This chapter mostly makes the case that blogs are a better way to get your message out...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/25/2005

DTM Controller must be in the System pool

One thing that has thrown me for a loop more than once is the fact that you see the DTM controller...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/25/2005

Ximage exclusions

Ximage.exe is a rather simple interface. If you're interested in more fine grained control over your...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/25/2005


See a copy of the Apple ad here. I still don't understand why they ran this ad.

Author: craigrow Date: 08/24/2005

No Joe, you're not alone

Joe Wilcox remembers Windows 95 much the same way I do. No Joe, you're not alone.

Author: craigrow Date: 08/24/2005

Microsoft Communities blog portal

It seems like everyone has a blog these days. The MSDN blog aggregator, I don't know what else to...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/24/2005

Great article describing Longhorn, a.k.a. Vista, setup and deployment

Paul Thurrott's Super Site for Windows is one I think I've liked to before. Today I discovered this...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/23/2005

Buggy drivers

If you are at all involved with developing drivers then just about everything Mark Russionvich...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/22/2005

I might finally cancel my newspaper subscription

I had some extra time this weekend and was playing with my page. I noticed the RSS feed...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/22/2005

Driver Test Manager on domains

I've noticed some confusion recently in the newsgroups I monitor about the requirements for running...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/17/2005

Business Desktop Deployment Accelerator

Steve Carbone has some new pointers to the Business Desktop Deployment Accelerator. He suggests this...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/16/2005

And I thought my posts were nerdy

I'm still trying to figure out what level of information is interesting and useful to everyone. The...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/16/2005

WDK at the Intel Developers Forum

Friday we loaded up a set of systems with the latest beta build of the WDK and shipped them off to...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/16/2005

Changes in Vista have broken the Automated Software Installer

If you're fortunate enough to have access to regular builds of Vista and you're using ASI, you may...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/16/2005

How to write a non-fiction best seller: chapter 3 review

Chapter 3 I said in my review of chapter 1 that before I started blogging I might have said the...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/12/2005

Deleting files from a mounted image

You may find that you're unable to delete files from a mounted image when using Windows Explorer....

Author: craigrow Date: 08/10/2005

What does "OPK" stand for

Since I've started this blog I make it a point to check the search engines every day for key words...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/10/2005

WDK is in the blogsphere

This is the best description of the WDK that I've seen in a blog yet. Very cool. Also very cool,...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/10/2005

I Love

Do the shortcomings of your homepage and the lack of responsiveness from the people who own the page...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/10/2005

Demystifying error codes

One of the things I find most frustrating with applicaitons is error codes without any explanation....

Author: craigrow Date: 08/05/2005

Using ASI on a system without inbox NIC support

This question came across the internal ASI support alias recently. Q: When using ASI to deploy the...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/04/2005


I just heard from Glenn Fincher that the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) User's Guide for...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/03/2005

A 12 step program to get you hooked on ASI

Let’s be honest, the learning curve for ASI is a bit steep. ASI has huge value for anyone who has to...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/03/2005

Driver Install Framworks (DIFx) Beta open to the public

I've been told that the DIFx beta is now open to the public. If distribute drivers you really should...

Author: craigrow Date: 08/02/2005

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