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Windows 7 through the eyes of a real person – Day 4

Day 4 in the Windows 7 Diary:

After talking about it at work, I decided that the “Show Desktop” feature must still be there just in a different place; thus tonight’s mission is to find it...let’s go!

Oh, there it is! Bottom right of the screen at the end of the task bar, next to the clock-give it a little click and BANG, I’m looking at my desktop...I now feel like a PROPER fool J Then completely by accident I discover that if I hover the cursor over the spot, it turns all the windows transparent to show the desktop but then they re-appear when I move off the button-sweet!

This just adds to my feeling that while there might not be one major killer addition in Windows 7, all these little revamps and extras are making it the best OS for a long time *whispers*better than XP?!


The Windows 7 beta is only available until the 10th February to download, so get your copy now !

To get more information on Windows 7, check out the following resources: