Trying to get to gmail...
Trying to get to gmail...
Where oh where is gmail???
C:\Documents and Settings\cyrusn>nslookup gmail.google.com
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
*** Default servers are not available
Server: UnKnown
*** UnKnown can't find gmail.google.com: Non-existent domain
Nonexistent apperantly. :-(
Oh this is not good. Very very not good.
- Anonymous
May 07, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 07, 2005
For future reference it's, (in case you're still having issues!) - Anonymous
May 07, 2005
I may be pointing out the obvious but 192.168 is your local router subnet. you don't really think gmail is on your local subnet do you?
BTW ... this post is so good, at first I thought it might be poetry