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Nairobi, Kenya Launch - Nov 14, 2005

My next stop was in Kenya for the launch. Kenya was my first trip to Africa and I can honestly say its an exciting and interesting place not only for business but culture. The launch was held at a "safari resort" and there were nearly 400 attendees. As a speaker I like enthusiastic and interactive crowds and I have to rate the Kenyan crowd as a 10 out of 10. By the closing session we had attendees standing on chairs, falling over each other and screaming. Any launch this noisy is a good one. :) Kenya has a growing and eager developer base, and because of this I expect I will be visiting Kenya and other African nations often to support and grow this base.

Let's not forget the food - one of my prime interests in each location that I visit. It's not often that I get to try new food items that I have not had before as I am pretty adventurous. However Kenya did not disappoint. On one evening we visited a game restaurant and we enjoyed camel, crocodile, ostrich, goat, beef, chicken, and a few others I've forgotten. I've had many of these before, but I particularly liked the goat. Everything was cooked on a spit over an open fire and sliced right on to your plate. The only item I did not like very much was the crocodile. I've had alligator before and like that (Tastes like chicken), but crocodile tastes completely different, more like really fatty fish.

Pictures? Sure I have pictures, but currently does not support inline pictures so I will post them later on my personal blog and reference them.
