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Why did Apple integrate RSS support into Safari instead of Mail?

One interesting announcement coming out of WWDC this year was RSS support in Safari. I wonder if this means Apple employees will start blogging more? :-) I'm a bit surprised they chose to integrate this support into Safari instead of Mail. I find it very natural to extend mail clients to support RSS. I read feeds much like mailing lists, and want the same sorts of features as an email client. I want to be able to group things into folders. I want a list of posts where I can see the author, date, etc and can sort/group. I want a preview pane. I want powerful searching and organization. I want all of these same features for my email. I'm a quite happy user of Newsgator, which lets me read my feeds in Outlook and use Outlook's powerful features to organize the posts. The Mac OS X news reader Pulp Fiction is inspired by Apple's Mail application, although it's not integrated into Apple's application (I don't think Mail is extenisble enough to allow that). I don't think I totally understand Safari's RSS support from the bit of press I've seen about it, so maybe I just don't get it.