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The Point2Share Blog Series Summary Post

This post is simply to summarise the Blog “series” I do, for example the “Working with Web Part Pages” and “Best Practices”. I still plan to do more of these, I just wanted one page I could point people at to find them, not sure this is the best solution, but anyway…

I will add new links as new posts come on board…

Web Part Pages

Working with Web Part Pages Tip #1 - Creating a multi-page web site in SharePoint
Working with Web Part Pages Tip #2 - Creating self-maintaining Web Part Page navigation
Working with Web Part Pages Tip #3 – Making your navigation control expandable

SharePoint Best Practices

SharePoint Best Practice: Architecture Design and SharePoint “Solution Sites”
SharePoint Best Practice: Start with just one portal
SharePoint Best Practice: Reserving "Friendly" Top-Level URL's in the Portal
SharePoint Best Practice: Locking down the Portal Database
SharePoint Best Practice: Creating a dedicated Windows SharePoint Services environment