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Auckland Windows Mobile User Group

On Thursday the 27th of October (yes this Thursday) the Auckland chapter of the Windows Mobile User Group will be meeting.

Here is a copy of the invite:

Date: Thursday 27 October 2005

Time: 6pm (until around 8pm)

Where: Microsoft House, 7-9 Fanshawe Street, Auckland


6:00 pm New features of Windows Mobile 5.0 and the future of mobility with Exchange Server (Nathan Mercer, Microsoft NZ)

6:30 pm New features for developers in Windows Mobile 5.0 (Darryl Burling, Microsoft NZ)

7:00 pm Q & A

7:15 pm Prizes, drinks and nibbles

8:00 pm Wrap up

About the Speakers!

Nathan Mercer ( is a Technology Evangelist from Microsoft NZ.

Darryl Burling ( is a Developer Envangelist for Microsoft NZ.

After these sessions, there will be a general Q&A session where we encourage you to ask questions and talk further about more specific scenarios.

Please confirm your presence by registering so we can organise the drinks and nibbles.

Yup - the speakers are myself and Nathan Mercer and we'll be covering all the new stuff in the new Windows Mobile 5.0 devices.

To Register you'll need to go to the WMUG website and register.

There will be some prizes on the night, including a copy of Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition - so it might be really worth coming along if you win!

If you are interested in what you can do with these new devices, come along and listen - and maybe even have a play :-)
