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Craig goes global with Tablet Development

I should have posted this on Friday.

Craig - who has been running the Tablet PC User Group here in Wellington - started working with VB Express to create a basic little tablet blogging tool that takes the ink you write, transform it into text and them post it to your blog using whatever API your blog needs.

Its a work in progress, but last week Craig got a great mention in a podcast by James Kendrick (listen to it from 25:20 to 28:45 ish) - which incidentally had Scoble on as a guest. This resulted in a link from Scoble on Friday - and more importantly the fame that goes with international acclaim.  JK called Craig "a smart guy" - excellent validation of the work he's been doing!

Craig also wrote up his thoughts of VB Express from a non-developer perspective which will be worth a read if you are thinking about toying with code or are interested in how hard it is to learn.

Congrats on your new found fame Craig!  Its great to see local NZ talent going global!