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Expression stuff hits the web - cool!

Well, the announcement is out.  Expression and Microsoft's designer product suite has been announced.

This week I'm on the road with Ray, Leon, Ron and Neil talking to lots of people about design, user experience and what they want to see out of Microsoft. 

If you've got a few hours to spare consider coming along to one of the open sessions.

One of the key things for the expression range is that we are now addressing the online media space (not the print media space which is where similar products play).

WPF/e (not the final name) is also now available as a public CTP.  So if you've been keen to have a play with this cool technology, you can do so by heading over to the WPF/e Page and downloading the CTP.  Make sure you have a look at the samples we've got up so you get an idea of what is possible with WPF/e (download the player here).  This is a funny clip, but my favourite is the very cool WPF/e Video library sample.

You might also want to get hold of the Beta of Expression Blend and the CTP of Expression Design so you can export to WPF/e

Technorati tags: wpfe, wpf, blend, expression, design, designer