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PDC Week! Where to get all the details!

This week PDC is on.  This is one event you want to watch.  Why?  Because there are a heap of cool product announcements including a heap of things you've probably not heard of yet.

Want to catch the buzz?  Here's how...

Follow the 9 Guy on the road to PDC.

Find out what the blogosphere is saying.

Read the PDC05 Official Team Blog.

Listen in on the PDC05 podcasts.

Tune into the Channel 9 PDC videos:

And dont forget to tune in to the keynote at 8:30am PDT on Tuesday Sept 13 (in NZ this is 3:30am on Wednesday Sept 14).

You can follow the rest of the show and view PDC presentations, newsgroups, videos, and other content as it becomes available on MSDN and Channel 9. Also, you can follow PDC blogs at  If you're blogging on PDC, tag your entries with "PDC05" and register it here

Tag: PDC05