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Tech Ed Australia and New Zealand tracks

I thought it might be useful to list all the track owners for Australia and New Zealand and their blogs (if they have them).

One of the things I thought it might be interesting to point out is that while the US have 14 tracks, we only have 10 in Australia and 11 in New Zealand (more on this in a moment).

So, while we try to leverage US content as much as is practical (along with content from other recent events) we just dont have capacity to take the number of tracks that they do.  Why not?  Essentially because to have 14 tracks you need to have breakout rooms for most of those tracks to run concurrently.  In New Zealand we can run eight sessions concurrently, which means having 14 tracks becomes too hard to manage.

This means we have to rationalize tracks from the US into a smaller number of tracks for ANZ which essentially means we shoehorn two tracks together.  Sometimes this makes sense, sometimes it literally is a shoehorning. :-)

So why do we have only 10 tracks in Australia and 11 in New Zealand?  I hear you ask.  In New Zealand we are going to try something a little different this year - we want to run a smaller track that is devoted to showcasing New Zealand customers using Microsoft technologies to solve real world problems.  The hope is that this track will connect with business managers as well as those interested in how a specific technology or product has made a real difference in these organizations.

So here is a list of the tracks we have this year and who is owning them.  Where there is a blog I've tried to link to the TechEd tag rather than the full blog which should reduce the searching you need to do (some of these guys post lots).

I encourage you to take a look at the blogs linked and keep you eye on them to see what they are planning for Tech Ed this year.

Architecture - Nigel Watson and Mark Carroll

Connected Systems - Graham Elliot and Scott Allen

Server Infrastructure - Michael Kleef and Nathan Mercer

Developer Tools and technology - Dave Glover Note this track is the combination of the US Developer Tools and Technologies and Business Applications tracks

Web Development and Infrastructure - Darryl Burling and Charles Sterling

Business Intelligence and Database - Andrew Coates and Nick Ward Note this track is the combination of the US Database Development and Administration and Business Intelligence tracks

Office - Angus Logan, Ian Palangio and Ron Dunn

Unified Communications and Mobility - Jeff Alexander and Nathan Mercer Note this track is the combination of the US Unified Communications and Mobility tracks

Security - Rocky Heckman

Windows Client and Management - Andrew McMurray and Nathan Mercer Note this tradck is the combination of the US Windows Client and Management and Operations tracks.

Voice of the Customer - Mark Carroll and Mike Zeff

If you have questions about any of these tracks please contact the respective owner through their blogs.  These guys will all be blogging their tracks soon (hopefully).
